LED bulbs

  • Thread starter Deleted member 7500
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Deleted member 7500

Sorry if this subject just keeps coming back around, but I'm about to start changing my many G4 halogens for LEDs.

The thing is, I'm not sure what's most suitable:
6x LED (60 Lumen) 1.2W
9x LED (90 Lumen) 1.8W
1x Superflux LED (10 Lumen) 0.2W
or none of the above?

What bulbs do you use and how do they perform compared to the old 5W halogens?

Check out the last edition of MMM mag. There is an article on doing just that. There is info on what led`s he used. You may be able to read it online but I am not sure.

Let everybody know how you get on

Good luck.
have a look here: Aten Lighting The brighter (1.8) are good for task lighting and the 1.2 as night reading lamps

Thanks for the advice.

I picked up a copy of MMM and read the article. He used 6-LED G4 replacements and recommended warm white over cold white.

In the end I was still drawn to the Superflux single LED bulbs. They must use a magnifying lens to deliver the light required I think. I don't know whether they'll be right, but at the price I couldn't resist giving them a trial. So I've ordered 7 of them for phase 1 from Roh-Tec in Monchengladbach at a bargain price of £17.27 GBP delivered.

I'll let you know how I fare with them.
Forgot that bit... the cool white are a little on the blue side of cool...
Well, my Superflux single LED bulbs arrived today and after dark I've experimented with them in various lights around the van.
They are a bit dim tbh, possibly exagerrated by the 'warm white' aka yellow variety that I went for.
We have 4 directional downlighting spots in the lounge area and I think I will leave them in these lights - they give a low ambient light for evening lounging / TV watching / dining etc and all for about half a watt of useage when all four are used. I've put one in the bathroom and we will just try it and see if we can manage. I expect we'll probably have to go for something a bit brighter.
In the kitchen area we have an under-cupboard light above the sink / hob that did have two G4 halogens and when replaced with the Superflux bulbs there's enough light for cooking or boiling the kettle, but I think we'd struggle to find things in cupboards. Again, I think we'll have to either use a main overhead light to supplement it when routing about or upgrade to something brighter.
Does anyone else have any views on numbers of LEDs per light necessary for the different areas of the van or evn warm vs cold white LEDs?

A fluorescent strip light above the sink would be best. They do not use a lot of power.
I did the same as you with the single led lamps from Germany. I have used them in the reading lights above the bed.(not to bright so good for the nightime toilet visit):)

I then got (also from Roh-tec) six of the 6 led 2 pin lolipop lamps, they seem as bright as the 10 watt halogens they replaced. (via ebay).

Depending on the light fittings in your van you may need pins on the back or pins on the side, both are avilable.
I did the same as you with the single led lamps from Germany. I have used them in the reading lights above the bed.(not to bright so good for the nightime toilet visit):)

I then got (also from Roh-tec) six of the 6 led 2 pin lolipop lamps, they seem as bright as the 10 watt halogens they replaced. (via ebay).

Depending on the light fittings in your van you may need pins on the back or pins on the side, both are avilable.

Thanks for the info. I think I'll be following suit for the main lighting. Did you get warm or cool white lollipop lamps Jeff?
I'm going to be using some of those blue and pink Led's (used by the cruisers to jazz up their cars) for ambient light in various areas of my van. You can get them from Halfords. Not much use for reading etc but I liked how Hobby used blue Led's in their vans to highlight the glass cabinet and mirrors.
I'm going to be using some of those blue and pink Led's (used by the cruisers to jazz up their cars) for ambient light in various areas of my van. You can get them from Halfords. Not much use for reading etc but I liked how Hobby used blue Led's in their vans to highlight the glass cabinet and mirrors.
The van will look like a mobile knocking shop.

Could be a nice little earner though.
The van will look like a mobile knocking shop.

Could be a nice little earner though.

Yes, I'll just have those on when I'm pimpin' out me bitches :D

I'll be having some white LED's too but I did like Rick Clark's (aka You Tube Rickvanman) ambient lighting with his blue glow and white leather panelling. I think he could have set a mini style trend there!
Alreet Jimbo

You told me that you were not having issues with battery capacity etc? I've got threex85AH batts now and a 130W solar panel to juice em up with!

I got my lights from Oleary Motorhomes. They were the cheapy 20led dichloric jobs. I got my G4's off fleabay - tripple chip led's which seem to do the job pretty well.


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