La belle france


Full Member
Hi, i know most of this has been mentioned before,but at this time of the year a lot of first timers are starting out.

Having just ordered my breathalyser kit for France from Amazon I thought it’s worth reiterating what we now need when driving through the French countryside so that you do not attract the attention of “les flics”.

GB sticker

Headlamp converter

Warning triangle

Breathalyser kit

Luminous safety vest ( must be readily available), so not in outside locker.

Do NOT take any device including satnavs capable of detecting speed cameras. Even if the device is turned off, if it is in the vehicle then theoretically you can be fined.
Note: - This is not the same as having a satnav (such as my Garmin nuvi) that just informs you of speed limits.

Remember this is only France we are talking about other European Countries have different / extra legal requirements.

Dezi :pc:
Thanks for the info!

Where are you off to? I'm tempted to do my first Europ trip in the van - if only the ferries weren't so expensive lol. Looking to go in the next few weeks for a few days so just wondered if you had any ideas on nice locations / roads to try?

Cheers and happy camping

Thanks Dezi! We're off at the end of August :banana::banana:
also illegal to carry in your vehicle, as well as use a metal detector in Northern France without a licence.
Hi, I have just received my twin pack Alco Proof breathaliser kit, via Amazon.

Apparently it needs to be stored in a cool dark place in the van, preferably below 40o, as stated on the box.

I have to note down & remember !!! that it has a short shelf life & needs to be replaced every two years. This pack runs out 05 / 2014.

Dezi :pc:
Dezi, I know we are all thinking there are some silly laws in France so I found a few more:

In France, you can legally marry a dead person as long as preliminary civic formalities have been completed which show that you and your fiancee had planned to marry before your fiancee died.

Between the hours of 8AM and 8PM, 70% of music on the radio must be by French artists.

It is illegal to kiss on railways in France.

It is illegal to take photos of police officers or police vehicles, even if they are just in the background.

It is forbidden without a cemetery plot to die on the territory of the commune.

An ashtray is considered to be a deadly weapon.

Does anyone know of any more?
Thank you Fairytooth,I appreciate your passing on of some of the more esoteric laws in France.
However it would be more useful if you could pass on a few tips to halt my deteriorating memory.

I just know this will occur in 3 /4/ years time.

I get stopped.

After hunting around the camper for several hours I discover where I put the breathalyser pack, only to find that it is out of date.

I get fined.

Dezi :pc:
Thank you Fairytooth,I appreciate your passing on of some of the more esoteric laws in France.
However it would be more useful if you could pass on a few tips to halt my deteriorating memory.

I just know this will occur in 3 /4/ years time.

I get stopped.

After hunting around the camper for several hours I discover where I put the breathalyser pack, only to find that it is out of date.

I get fined.

Dezi :pc:

Don't worry Dezi 3/4 years is a long time in French law. It will be repealed and upgraded to a much dafter law by then. And, by the way, just another thought, why should non-drinkers be required to carry these?
Don't worry Dezi 3/4 years is a long time in French law. It will be repealed and upgraded to a much dafter law by then. And, by the way, just another thought, why should non-drinkers be required to carry these?

Tis one of lifes little mysteries.

Dezi :pc:
He's not connected with the Geant supermarket chain by any chance is he????

Keep us posted on the progress or otherwise of this measure - we are catching the ferry at the end of August!
You should note that in France in a camping car you are obliged by the "code de la route" to use the right hand/outside lane all the way round a roundabout no matter which exit you inted to use
Sorry to digress but you might find it interesting to know that in Vietnam the road rules are very much simpler than all this. You look forward (never back) and it is your duty to avoid anything in front of you. It is the responsibility of the guy behind not to hit you. Mind you, the death rate is appalling! :)
Youu're quite right - sorry. The statement is in the "Camping Car Citoyen" an advice booklet to camping caristes published by the Syndicate des Constructeurs" (SICVERL) and Comite de liaison du Camping Car CLC

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