Know your family


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I am touring Scotland and decided to look for some relatives graves in Dundee, so I went to the burials dept. of the council who gave me the cemetery and grave numbers, so off I went. The amazing thing is that I am over 60 and have only just found out that my mother had a brother. I was always told she was an only child. How can a family keep that a secret.:rolleyes2::rolleyes2:
you can't trust any of them,a while ago my 40 year old niece found a photo amongst some stuff her mum,my sister,had left round her house''who's this bloke ?''she says to me''your dad'' i said.''then who's brian?'' ''not your dad'' she was a bit shocked and asked why noone had told her''you never asked,and now you have,i've told you'' talk about cat amongst the pigeons,got some right grief off my sister,but like i said to her,its a stupid secret,the knowledge affects nobody much,whats the point of it. funny enough her sister who'd been given for adoption at birth tracked my sister down so now my niece has a new sister to go with her shiny new dad !life eh
This looking up family history is full of surprises. I discovered that my straight-laced Victorian grandma, who used to say she didn't have a white wedding because she was in mourning for her sister, was actually about 5 months pregnant when she got married. Sometimes its best to leave things alone, I think.
i never saw my birth certificate till i got married. mum was always a bit straitlaced. it turned out that my parents got married in january and i came along 5 months later. it obviously bothered her but i thought it was hilarious.
well found out at a very ;late stage in life that my christian name isnt what i thought it was and iwas quite shocked as i been known by the name i use since i can remember and parents never called me anything different
I think my lot were all a bit dodgy. My paternal grandmother had my father out of wedlock in 1912 when she was a domestic servant and then went on to have another three, but it was in Devonport during the war so I suppose she thought she was doing her bit.
I can't trace mine either, my grandad was a romany gypsy who ran off with a wealthy headmistress from London, ( how romantic), they cut her off completely, and as gypsies dont register births.

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