Kindle Problems


Since I first had my Kindle, it has always been prone to 'freezing', from time to time, once every week or two. Usually, Kindle's answer to MS's eggtimer tells me to just wait while it does something. Sometimes, however, it has needed a forced restart by holding the power slider against its spring.

Last night, though, it 'ceased to proceed' (as Rolls Royce sed to say when one of their vehicles broke down). What I have now is a white screen and an orange light on the power slider. Connecting it to a computer only provides power - it will not connect as a device and I cannot access the files on its memory chip.

Despite Kindle's acknowledged deficiencies in the software department, I have not heard of any problems with its hardware, so perhaps I have just been unlucky. A selling point for me, in addition to the price, in buying the Kindle was its battery life - I read a lot and, although I get nothing like the 3 weeks claimed, I usually only had to recharge once a week.

However, I did have some issues with the Kindle, particularly its inability to create collections except by one book at a time, and I think I will have a look at what Sony has to offer. I have reservations about Sony...any company that thinks it is ethically acceptable to install software on a computer without the owner's consent, and especially a potentially harmful root kit, is frankly not to be trusted. (I have other issues with Sony, too, but this is not the place to air them.)

Hi Polly
I bought my partner Jackie a kindle for exmas the 3g one.--she thought that she would not like it but now she is always reading it she downloaded a book for me to read--It was great so she bought a kindle for me on my birthday in August. When I first got mine the screen played up a bit for the first hour or so but it seems to have sorted itself out now. What I like about it is that you can easily read the screen even in bright sunlight. As for the battery life I can get around 3-4 weeks out of mine however if you leave it on 3g it drains the battery in no time:cry: I found this out when I downloaded a couple of books and forgot to turn off the 3g roaming. but all in all I have found it very good indeed I have now got about 20 books downloaded and I have also downloaded a 'Kindle app' for my phone so I can even read the books that I have when I am out and about (auctions). as sometimes I have to wait 2-3 hours before the items that I am interested in come up. I like the idea that you can have a couple of thousand books at your fingertips. Before buying I did quite a bit of research on 'e readers' and the kindle came out on top for me. Is your still under warranty? if so why not send it back or get in touch with Amazon.

By for now

An orange light would generally signify that the battery is not charging or is far too low for it to proceed. I note that you're charging your Kindle fairly frequently, I charge mine every 6 weeks or so and that's reading every day. Along with Freddie, I have sometimes left wireless connection capability on without realising and that's made the battery flat after less than 2 weeks. Maybe the battery is faulty or you have wireless option connected constantly. You can do a reset on the kindle, the procedure is online, just google it.

I have to say with a 6 week battery life, screen that doesn't reflect sunlight and everything that goes with the kindle, I love it and have found nothing to rival it. Ipads etc lose charge after 2 days of reading if you're lucky. I currently have 70 books on mine with no problems accessing them or downloading. Just give the helpline a ring, they're really kind and helpful :eek:)

No 3G on this model.

Still in warranty.

Finding out from elsewhere that the problem is by no means unheard of.

I love the Kindle, but this has put me off it. All my holiday reading is on it...and I can't get at it. Buying English books abroad is problematic.

I will take it back to PCWorld, but I am not sure I want another one....
Hold the 'on' switch across for about 20 secs - it should restart then rebuild itself. If not, go to the Kindle section of the Amazon website and click the 'contact' button in the top right. They will ring you up in minutes and sort you out. I trod on mine and cracked the screen - they sent me a new one under warranty and it arrived in 3 days. You can back up all your books to pc, or if they're from Amazon you can just download them again. Of course you've heard bad stuff about Kindle, but they've probably got more product out there than any other manufacturer and some of them are bound to be duff, besides which, this is the UK - we love to complain :raofl:
Brilliant, thank you. I had been holding the power button for about 10 seconds, but that was clearly not enough. Anyway I have my Kindle back.

I bought two kindles for my daughters but one had to be returned as the screen froze, well only certain sections.
I wish I had saved my money and bought them this one for £34.99 - got one for myself and I prefer the
screen to the kindle. It does not do the wi fi stuff but it does happily play both .mobi and ebup formats and
it comes with a case. On the M&S website it is £139

I decided against buying a Kindle for the one reason that, I was told, you could only download books from Amazon. That outweighed the other advantages and I decided to bide my time. I have two or three ebook readers on my laptop (the Kindle reader is one of them) and so far that's done me.

I've now been told this - "As long as the files aren't protected (DRM?) then you can just drag and drop from your computer. Then they go into the documents folder rather than the library." This would let me keep the ebooks I already have, but read them on the Kindle, and let me use other free book libraries too.

Does anybody know this from personal experience? I'm off on my next European trip in seven weeks and if people here have done this then I might rethink and get the 3G model before I go. Any comments appreciated.

One more thing. If you can get internet access for your emails through the mobile phone network using Kindle - and free too - can you use this access to use Skype for phone calls? Is there a built in microphone and speaker - or sockets? That would push me into buying.
For loads of free books out of copyright check out Project Gutenberg.
Other sites have free books as well - search for free ebooks. To convert to mobi format and easily load books on to your kindle download Calbre calibre - E-book management

Amazon have refurbished kindle keyboard for £79.99 (wi-fi only) or the model without the keyboard for an extra £10 (new).

Mr B.
ring amazon

Just ring them, they will prob replace it free of cost as they did mine. Their service was really good and my new kindle is fab.
However, I did have some issues with the Kindle, particularly its inability to create collections except by one book at a time,


You can multiple books to a collection in one go:

Enter go to existing collection or create a new one then > Menu > Add/remove items

You should then get a list over a number of pages. Tick each item in the list you want to add to collection then select done when finished.

I really struggle with the internet the screen is small font and you have to enlarge each time you go on a new page and it is so slow
i keep trying it but ohhhhhhhhhh it is hard work

e mails I have not sorted out yet
change font size

Go to control panel in Start menu
Font Size
Extra Large

should do it - fingers crossed

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