kindle owners


question for kindle owners please
when you download the book you purchase
do all the pictures in the book come with the download (in black and white I assume)
the kind of books I usually read always have pictures in them and I enjoy looking at them
Thinking of getting a kindle so save frequent journeys to the library
Thanks in advance
question for kindle owners please
when you download the book you purchase
do all the pictures in the book come with the download (in black and white I assume)
the kind of books I usually read always have pictures in them and I enjoy looking at them
Thinking of getting a kindle so save frequent journeys to the library
Thanks in advance

If you are thinking of getting one get the 3G wi-fi one as its a good back up to get on line and its free as well (fair usage policy)

also they are downloaded with pictures however they might not be exactly the same as from the library as they are in the kindle format--I have just downloaded the complete works of Sir Arther Conan Doyle and there are illustrations in the download

Bye for now
books from sites like gutenburg often offer a choice of version with photo's and version without
I have quite a collection of Sci-Fi & Fantasy eBooks purchased and downloaded over the years. I had them saved in various formats from Txt to Tcr to pdb and secure eReader brought through Fictionwise and others from Gutenberg, Free Baen Books and free online books, (some of which I downloaded into word chapter by chapter and then converted it to a pdf).

I convert and update them to Kindle format using Calibre (it's an eBook manager) which also allows you to break off the DRM protection of the books you have bought for another device format and convert it to whatever you currently my case the Kindle app on my iPhone. You can do this because you know the serial number of the device it was coded to when you bought it, and Calibre will open it using that number code. It also allows you to change the 'cover' included in the eBook, or to add one if you only have a txt version originally.

I also use a program called Mobipocket Creator which allows you to break into an eBook that is unprotected and add extra pages or photographs. It's designed so that you can create you own eBooks, but you can also use it to improve images as well as put better quality illustrations in etc.
i use mobi ereader and calibre on my pda acer n35 works well ok small screen on pda but still readable use scroll stick to change page need iot to auto scroll slow enough to read
Are colour ones available I don't have one but thought that Kindle were all black an white. Don't fancy pictures in B/W
Anyone who recommends using a laptop or smartphone as a substitute Kindle reader has obviously never tried reading one whilst sitting outside on a sunny day. A Kindle is a like real book, the brighter it is, the easier it is to see it. I too use my Samsung Smartphone, which synchronises with what I'm reading on my Kindle, and it's useful if I'm waiting to see the doctor for instance as I can carry on reading my novel, but it's no substitute for the real thing and useless outside. And of course the battery life on a Kindle is far superior to any laptop or pda.
Are colour ones available I don't have one but thought that Kindle were all black an white. Don't fancy pictures in B/W

It may be a year or two before a colour version is announced. This has never bothered me as I use my Kindle to read novels of all descriptions and I can't remember one where colour pages have been a factor, although I accept that there may be some specialist publications where colour is useful.
I wouldn't recommend a Kindle for looking at any documents with graphics in. I bought mine to read journal articles containing graphs and diagrams but it was hopeless. Definitely recommended for text only, though.
The iPhone app is in colour. I find it absolutely fine to read from except in bright sunlight and I prefer to have everything in one place anyway...films, satnav, ebooks, etc. However if you are using the iPhone app don't update to the latest no longer allows you to read your own ebooks put into it by DiskAid.
I've never read a book part of manuals that applied to my work and that's it Where I lived the mobile library stopped and each time 5 or 6 women used to change their books at least 5 or 6 each. I always wondered how they found so many books in the small selection that the van carried of interest to them or is reading any book whether of interest or not better than no book at all and how did they find time to read them

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