Kicked the bucket


Full Member
I notice that our dear leader Kim Jong-il has died. In the circumstances I can only agree with Mark Twain.

"I've never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure."

It means of course that Capt Mainwaring,alias the Newcastle kid will have to find a new supplier for his suits & cats.

Dezi :banana:
I raised his successor and educated him. Expect big changes in the country. :goodluck:

As for Kim Jong-Il....... his Korea is over. :lol-061:
Don't know much about North Korea (who does?) - but I heard a report on the radio this morning that he will be succeeded by his son and that the real power behind the "throne" is in fact his brother in law, so nothing will change except the title. That's the trouble with dictators - take out one and another springs up where he stood. It'll be interesting to see China's reaction though.
A very happy day today. The mass murderer who was the head the family business, running the workers' paradise of North Korea, with its Gulags and policies that resulted in the deaths of about two million people by starvation, has died.

We've also heard that Donald Neilson, known as the Black Panther, has also died. He shot and killed three country postmasters in cold blood before going on to target the 17-year-old heiress Lesley Whittle, whom he then murdered in the most gruesome manner. He kept her, naked and with a rope around her neck, in a freezing drain below a park, whilst he tried to obtain ransom money.

For 35 years the state has kept him in a manner that most Koreans can only dream of, and I hope that he knew he was dying and was terrified, just like his victims. If ever there was a man who deserved the noose, it was him.

A good day for the world, for Britain, and for the families of those who suffered from the deeds of these two evil men.
Not on my list of wild camping spots, looks an awful place, bet there's no ehu.
Not on my list of wild camping spots, looks an awful place, bet there's no ehu.

Don't think you'd need EHU - from what I've heard if you spend any length of time there you'll begin to glow in the dark :banana:
I remember watching the live news bulletins as Donald Neilson was being hunted, and the nationwide feelings of horror and disgust towards him when Lesley Whittles' body was discovered. Hearing of his death, I was reminded of the medias' habit of giving glorified titles to such scum, ie "Black Panther". There are plenty of other examples of titles given to these lowlife murderers, but I will not mention them here. These characters get a thrill and some very warped sense of self-importance from these titles given to them, with the automatic celebrity status (in their minds at least). If only the media would ask me to provide the names for them, then these characters would cringe and maybe even feel some shame every time they heard it!

Going slightly back to topic, a few years ago a very good friend of mine (with some contacts in the right places) gave me some very hot info about a British company that was about to announce a major, and potentially very profitable, discovery in North Korea. This was such a "dead cert" that I borrowed money to invest in shares of this company. The very next day the worlds' news screens were full of reports saying "North Korea test-fires nuclear missile". The share price of any company with interests in North Korea plummeted for months afterwards, and my whole stock market career started and ended within a couple of days!

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