khyam connection options


Just took delivery of my motordome excelsior,very impressed so far,had in erected in 10 mins on my own.
Only problem is I'm not going to be able to attatch tunnel to my v an until I'm well inside France(due to my van being stored at in-laws)
I've searched around past posts but can't find a definite answer....My van has a brand new fiamma shade installed(will this have a channel to thread a fig8 to then fix to tunnel? If so, how easy is it to detatch from channel to drive away?.Just remembering threading a huge caravan awning along a channel years ago,I can't picture how this is poss?

I know not trying this isn't best before heading off but nothing I can do with this trip.

Other than the fiamma shade I have no other rails on the van so need to buy any rails/attatchments pretty soon if needed,thanks,Rossco
I tried (well son in law and man at camping shop) to fit a figure of 8 to my flamma sun shade wind out type and we didnot manage it but I am sure there is a way and when it is in place you can leave it there but has I said I am only a novice someone with more experience may have an idea.
I had to finally give up on the idea of an awning movelight drive away as a single person I could not manage it
Just took delivery of my motordome excelsior,very impressed so far,had in erected in 10 mins on my own.
Only problem is I'm not going to be able to attatch tunnel to my v an until I'm well inside France(due to my van being stored at in-laws)
I've searched around past posts but can't find a definite answer....My van has a brand new fiamma shade installed(will this have a channel to thread a fig8 to then fix to tunnel? If so, how easy is it to detatch from channel to drive away?.Just remembering threading a huge caravan awning along a channel years ago,I can't picture how this is poss?

I know not trying this isn't best before heading off but nothing I can do with this trip.

Other than the fiamma shade I have no other rails on the van so need to buy any rails/attatchments pretty soon if needed,thanks,Rossco

This is what I would do,assuming that your fiamma shade has a channel to take the awning;), buy 2 lengths of the fabric with piping and stitch them together along the length with the piping on both sides, also buy a fig 8 the same length,slide on your double piping to the shade (You may be able to leave it attatched.Now erect your awning in line with the van and simply slide the fig 8 onto the two piping parts of the fabric, when you need to drive away, just slide out the fig. 8 and you're away. Let me know if this does'nt make sense and will post pics to help.. Good luck
Thanks Polly,a large tent can be a stuggle on your own,I've had a few years under canvas experience to put up a fight with the largest,the khyam is one of the easiest I've ever put up,no threading long bendy poles...Its a great system but at a cost

Lenny ,that sounds like a good idea,thanks.Would much rather look for a ready made piece as you descibed,I can use one, but don't have a sewing machine or awning repairer/sailmaker anywhere near
KHYAM may be victor can help after all he managed to show us all that an electric razor was easy to use and cheap in fact he bought the company
seriously though i think you will have to get a new bit of channeling independant from your existing one
we have seen lots of dome awnings in use they seem quite popular
cheers terry

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