Kennacraig to Isle of Islay


Full Member
Due to ferry disruptions because of strong winds many ferries have re sheduled etc.
I crossed from Aaran to Mull of Kinyre today ok but Calmac ferry website not showing any ferries till Tuesday to Islay so called into Kennacraig port to check up on ferries to Isle of Islay. I was told by old woman with nose ring that as I wasn't booked into any campsites on Islay, she could not sell me a ticket to Islay as no 'wild camping' allowed there.
I have 4 apps on phone saying otherwise, so I contacted Calmac bookings on phone direct and was told I could book ferries in both morning and afternoon tomorrow=Sunday for my campervan. No issues with wild camping mentioned. I told the guy I was speaking to about the ring nosed woman's cliam, but he said it wasn't in his remit and quite right too.
So, I would love to go to Islay for a week or more.
Is it dooable as a freeloader/wilder, as I am totally self sufficient for weeks?

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