Just Wondering!

Nesting Zombie

Full Member
Hi Gang,
Just a Observation & General Question really !.

Why have we still got the last (Closed) section on the main Paige showing ?.
Out of interest does anyone use this section?.
Because it’s Closed to new Posts is the Information still accurate for people that might use it to plan a trip ?.
It’s No Great Annoyance But I was just wondering Really,,,It’s good for a Zombie to Wonder, I often Wonder if I Wondered while Wondering will my Wonders be worth Wondering!.
I'm sitting here wondering what sort of replies you expect to wonder about on your wanderings....:lol-061::lol-061:
Those sections were in effect archived some time ago. The vast majority of the information was well out of date and the locations for the UK and France had been included in the POI database.

Furthermore it was expected that the new version of the app would form the bedrock for locations for other countries to be built over time. Unfortunately the updated app has taken much longer than anticipated to be completed. Phil provided an update in his recent video.
Yeah I guessed that,
Just thought that it might be better to actually Take them off the page completely !.

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