just bought a talbot !! need spare parts !!!!

james pond

finally taken the plunge and bought a talbot, primarily cause it was cheap. need to re-furb the mechanics but local spares shop is a bust and ebay is a talbot desert. anyone know of a supplier in the midlands ?
any type

hi there, doesnt really matter what type i would have thought, they all share the same mechanicals dont they?
hi there, doesnt really matter what type i would have thought, they all share the same mechanicals dont they?

Hi James, have you tried the talbot owners club or preloved? I have a Talbot Express and have found both them very useful, some parts are the same as the fiat ducato, good luck

Talbot Express spares

finally taken the plunge and bought a talbot, primarily cause it was cheap. need to re-furb the mechanics but local spares shop is a bust and ebay is a talbot desert. anyone know of a supplier in the midlands ?

Until I retired 3 years ago I ran several PSV. Mini Coaches. I bought a pile of spares off another retiring Talbot owner to go with a bus i bought off him. They would originaly have been on H reg. Cost me £200, well spent never needed any of them. I'll accept £150 for what iv'e got, but it will mean a trip to Warrington for you, to have a look. In your own time ,there's no urgency if your interested. Frankiep
many thanks

hi again, thank you frankiep for your kind offer ; the talbot purchase has gone t*ts up though, when we went to pick up the van i found the engine was belching out fumes so much we could watch them coming thru the vents. my wife who has heart and breathing problems was only in the van for a few minutes and starting feeling ill. needless to say, facing a 120 mile trip home we came to a different arrangement with the vendor !! ; now our plans are on hold till we can save enough £££ for something less lethal ; perhaps a mercedes ??
Interior of that one looked OK. Could be decanted to another vehicle maybe. Shame to waste it.

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