Jimmy Carrs tax avoidance


Full Member
Jimmy Carr has admitted tax avoidance, all legal apparently, good for him, if a legal loophole is there why not use it, Dave [ Cameron ] says he is morally wrong to avoid tax, that sounds good coming from him, If the Dipsticks in the Tax Offices and Government allow these loopholes they should expect them to be used , wish I had found them earlier.:lol-053::lol-053::lol-053:
Wonder if Dave will be banging on about corporations avoiding tax (ebay amazon etc) or
is he just picking on individuals.
Strictly my opinion. I cannot see the point of Jimmy Carr excepting it as a Tax avoidance. If it is and I believe it is legal what his accountants have done. David Cameron, I feel, was out of order to come on National TV and make a statement whereby he indicated that Jimmy Carr had made an error on moral grounds. If I were Jimmy Carr, I would seek legal advice from my Lawyer whether I have or have not, grounds to sue Cameron for Libel or Slander. Lastly, Hipocrisy comes to mind not only from the Prime Minister but from most leading Politicans. Your thoughts and comments please.
Before our prime minister lectures other people on tax avoidance issues, ( advised by his accountant don't forget ). I would suggest he needs to look closer to home and get his own house, ie:- government, in order first!

Who, honestly, would elect to pay more tax than they really had to??
When a system allows those who earn over £1 million per year to pay less tax than those on average incomes then it is the system that needs hauling over the coals, not the individuals who take advantage of the system (perfectly legally). After all, how many of us, when spotting a £10 note in the street would say "thanks very much" and how many would hand it in at the local police station? It is Mr Cameron who should be ashamed of himself, not Jimmy Carr - and when he's stopped feeling embarrassed he should then do something about it.
Absolutely the system at fault as it has been for years!
If Jimmy Carr has done nothing illegal then I suggest that there are many more people in the same position (not me I hasten to add - I couldn't even afford the accountancy bill......).
In my view he may have done us mere mortals a service in that it really is out there for debate now, and there is a chance to bear pressure on the politicians, of all parties, who allow this to happen!
With my cynical head on (just call me Worzel G.), I can hear them stoking up the old argument of 'if we tax them too much they'll all move abroad'!
Hmmmm, now there's an idea:boat:
Bloody cheek of Cameron.

Attacking Jimmy Carr for tax avoidance, which I do not like, when his major donors are tax avoiders or are non doms or even like Ashcroft who claim to pay UK tax to get his Lordship whilst staying non dom.
Carr is not breaking the law in any way. Avoidance needs to be tackled rather than picking out individuals because they do not donate to the Tory party.
I used to work for very wealthy people and never had a cheque or payment from a uk based bank !
They do not even own their own houses as they wrap them up in trust funds so it is true the wealthy pay tiny amounts of tax .
A friend of mine works for some foreign royals whose luggage is not checked as they enter uk so the staff all bring tobacco over on the royal jet ! Amazing how money talks

Bas this will be in that comic they call the Sun tomorrow!
Hi, I have to say that I am a little saddened, but not overly surprised by the majority of comments here.

The reason that I am not really surprised is that when you have been married for many, many, many, years to a chartered accountant who spent twenty five years

running her own company specialising in tax compliance then you tend to experience every nuance, connivance & misunderstanding from both sides.

Dezi :pc:
Hi, I have to say that I am a little saddened, but not overly surprised by the majority of comments here.

The reason that I am not really surprised is that when you have been married for many, many, many, years to a chartered accountant who spent twenty five years

running her own company specialising in tax compliance then you tend to experience every nuance, connivance & misunderstanding from both sides.

Dezi :pc:

You will also notice Dezi that I have not joined in the condemnation. :eek:

Ahem, I paid zero UK Income Tax for many a year but it was all legal and above board.
I suspect that Cameron made that remark in the hope that we (the general public, not wildcampers!) would get the impression that he and his government believed in fair play by everyone, however wealthy they may be.

I now hope and expect that the media will have a field-day rooting out his fellow MPs and cronies who have been using similar loopholes for years. Labour have already pointed out the fact that Conservative supporter Gary Barlow OBE has been using a similar tax avoidance scheme as Jimmy Carr, but Cameron declined to talk about him!

BBC News - Cameron ducks Gary Barlow tax avoidance question
i may be wrong but i think jimmy apologised as quickly as he did,and quite cleverly phrased i think,to avoid being unfairly ripped apart by the media,who need to sell papers and the leveson inquiry seems to be a bit difficult for them to write about,casting them in a bad light and celebs as victims of bullies.this could be the start of an anti celeb campaign.hows that for conspiracy theory ?

Hi, sorry if it was complicated.

I made two points.

A] I was saddened by the reaction of the majority of replies.

B] I was not unduly surprised.

Dezi :pc:
Sorry, I will get the missis to slap my legs , on your behalf.
You will also notice Dezi that I have not joined in the condemnation. :eek:
Ahem, I paid zero UK Income Tax for many a year but it was all legal and above board.

I did notice young Mainwaring. I also noticed that old shifty from Doncaster has stayed out of it.

Probably in the Channel Isles right now trying to offload the last of his old white fivers to some bemused bank official.

Dezi :pc:
Saddened by the attitude of "get away with it if you can"

I explained fully why I was not unduly surprised.

Dezi :pc:

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