It's Good News Week

Funky Farmer

Much good news from Bedfordshire!
I've not been overcharged at Lidl on my last three visits! - Unbelievable!

I've only fell asleep and missed one mornings medications this week up to now! - Great!

The woman I've fell in love with, Jessie, has not told me to go away yet! - Amazing!

The Co-op has now installed a new cash machine - that works!

I've found my pack of hearing-aid batteries I lost last month - Why I didn't look in the fridge in the first place I don't know!

Gosh, my life is so exciting! How about yours?
I used a self service till at Asda and found a ten pound note in it :p
brilliant!i went in a pub frequented by crusties and got a book out of their little library with a nice 20 nicker note money is great
I hope it is good news week here in Sunny Stoke too? Im waiting to hear from our solicitor about the sale of our house, it's been a long and stressfull time trying to sell and some good news would be most welcome.
Oh yeah ... I almost forgot.
MORE GOOD NEWS - The landlord has fixed the toilet seat! No more 'wiggle it, just a little bit' Quite off-putting.
I managed to lose a bad man in a white van who gave chase when i swore at him for pulling out in front of me..:scared:
I bid for a table that the OH wanted, got it for 99p its beech extending table from John Lewis.
We picked it up tonight we are HAPPY :dance:the bloke who sold it isn't:mad1:.
Great news, just been out on my mountain bike in the forest, listened to the birds, the wind rushing by and enjoyed an hour without painful people (not my missus, she's lovely), it was great, now that really is good news!

And then I woke up to banging on the door.

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