Italian sostas book

  • Thread starter Bluebellthemotorhome
  • Start date


Hi everyone

We are desperately trying to find a copy of the Italian Sosta guide for our trip in August- unfortunately it seems to be out of stock at Vicarious books, and a search on eBay has been unsuccessful!

Does anyone have a copy that they no longer need and would be willing to sell to us please?

Been to France many times and love using the aires, but this is our first trip to Italy and we are a bit nervous to go without the book!

Thanks in advance

Lydia, Keith and Jazz the pooch x
I thought I had one, but just checked, its the Fattore Amico 2013 I have - italien version of France Passion - unused, complete with the sticker - we haven't been able to get away as soon as we would have liked so not going to be able to use it. I'd be prepared to sell that if its of any use to you
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We used this book last autumn but didn't find it particularly easy to use, and I know others found the same. Since I've already got it I will be using it again this year (sorry) but I do believe there is an alternative book.

Hi everyone

We are desperately trying to find a copy of the Italian Sosta guide for our trip in August- unfortunately it seems to be out of stock at Vicarious books, and a search on eBay has been unsuccessful!

Does anyone have a copy that they no longer need and would be willing to sell to us please?

Been to France many times and love using the aires, but this is our first trip to Italy and we are a bit nervous to go without the book!

Thanks in advance

Lydia, Keith and Jazz the pooch x

Hi Guys
Just seen your request. We have a brand new Fattori Amico 2013 (Italian farms)at home. Presently we are in France, will be home next Wednesday, let us know if its not too late for you and we can come to a suitable arrangement.


Hi Guys
Just seen your request. We have a brand new Fattori Amico 2013 (Italian farms)at home. Presently we are in France, will be home next Wednesday, let us know if its not too late for you and we can come to a suitable arrangement.



OOps sorry, just read the rest of the posts, you want the Aires equivalent not the farm book. Sorry we dont have that.
Regards Lou :cry:
Do you have a garmin or tomtom? If you google `Camperlife` you can access an Italian website where you can download poi's. It's all in Italian but I managed to join & dont speak the language.
Dont know how accurate it is - we were very disappointed when we went to Italy last summer. We were relying on a `Guida camper aree de sosta` book. It wasnt the latest version, but Vicarious were selling it last year so we assumed it would be useful. Big mistake!
All of the sostas in the book had been built on or were now fee-paying sites. I had spent hours before we left marking sostas I thought would be good for us but only found one which was `as advertised`, and that was so unkempt we took one look and drove off.
The book was frankly only good for burning, we were really frustrated and I wouldnt recommend my worst enemy using it. I would think that's why you cant get hold of a recent copy.

Dont know what anyone else's experience in Italy is but as far as I'm concerned they have decided they cant afford to keep the cheap sostas going.

Havent tried the fattore amico sites but perhaps you'd be better off giving them a go?

If all else fails, head for the maritime alps in France, that's where we ended up after giving up on Italy and it was lovely.
Good luck!
Thank you everyone for your replies and generous offers. Would definitely be interested in buying the farm book off someone please, as we've used French passion and loved it. Only thing I'm scared about is my italian is no where near as good as my French so would be very nervous/embarrassed to approach italian speaking families...! :-/

Has anyone else with limited Italian skills had any experience of using the farms scheme? How did you get on?

Thank you :)
We know Italy well and planning to use farms without knowing the language will be difficult especially as Italians have their own way of doing things!
Wild camping is not difficult as lots of towns and villages have fountains for water.
Where are you planning to go?
I don't know which area you live in, but we are travelling down to Stratford, from Nth Lincs on Thurs, so if you want to have a look at book, you would be welcome to meet us any where within reason on route.
Thanks you everyone for your help on this. I think, bearing in mind our italian isn't so good, we will leave the farms scheme for this year, but thank you very much for your offer jennyp19.

Instead we have purchased the Camperstop Europe book which arrived this morning. I've had a quick leaf through and this looks ideal, so fingers crossed!

Does anyone have any location gems to aim for? We are going to concentrate on the northern lakes, taking in Maggiore, Orta, Garda, possibly missurini, Venice and Pisa hopefully. Have we missed anywhere off or are we being too ambitious? We have 2 full weeks in Italy

Many thanks
We went to lake Maggiore last year it's very nice defo go up the mountain on the cable car it's a great experience!
If you have a small van you can get away with parking next to the lake for free.
Just copied this from another site - sounds good

"Discovered by accident because we needed a stopover.

I'll whisper this because we don't want it flooded with tourists.

Lago di Caldonazz0, near Trento. A stone's throw from Garda but how different. High mountains surround it. It's small. But Sooooo peaceful. There are loads of campsites. We used Spiaggia, simple site, just essentials, like position and good clean facilities. Two delightful towns to cycle to. A place to relax.

So don't spread it around but do give it a go."
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Had a look at has POI files for SatNav that you can download. If the language is a problem download and install the Google Chrome browser, this can translate many foreign language sites with a high degree of accuracy and will help you find the downloads. Here is the direct link to the downloads page. Download aree di sosta, navigatori satellitari, mappe, autovelox per Camper |

if they don't have a file set of POI for you SatNav send me a PM with details of what you want and I can convert it for you.
When we went to Italy a couple of years ago all we used was the Campingcar magazine aires book along with the campingcar info POI and we managed to find plenty of aires in Italy. Most of these are just a car park with a tap in the corner, ok out in the sticks buit anywhere near a popular area and parking was very much at a premium so went to a campsite instead
The Italian 'sosta' system isn't nearly as well organised as, say, France or Germany. Many of those published in various books don't actually exist, or are unsigned; often even the locals don't know where it's supposed to be. Often it's just an unmarked corner in a car or bus park but at least they are usually free. Beware if the site is also used as a market on market day, often not signed but by 7 a.m. you'll be totally locked in by sales stalls. Only the more official sostas have any taps or disposal points. In minor towns & rural areas we just park up anywhere for the night, we've never had anyone say 'owt other than just a few stares at times.
I've got a sostas book, send me a pm and we can make arrangements.
Fattore amico

sorry, I was just editing my post & you posted quicker than my editing This is the one I have 404 Not Found

We would really find this useful as we are going to Italy in 2 weeks. It is no longer available if you still have it please let me know
We would really find this useful as we are going to Italy in 2 weeks. It is no longer available if you still have it please let me know
This thread is almost 5yrs old, I can't find books I had last year so I don't think you will be lucky, unless someone else has one

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