It seems there may be a new scandal about to break.

Funky Farmer

A report commissioned for the G20 Finance Ministers has warned that Oil traders may have fiddled the benchmark trading price of Oil. These benchmarks are used to calculate the cost of the petrol & diesel that we buy at the pump. In other words, it seems there is a possibility that Oil traders have profited from the misery caused by making petrol & diesel more expensive than they need to be.

Sigh ..... why am I not surprised?
This will be a biggie if it's proved true.

I wouldn't hold your breath mate. At best there will be an enquiry and then it will all be swept under the carpet. never in all my years have I ever felt so depressed as to the direction my poor country is is going as I am now. No body in position to help Joe Public seems to give a kipper's tit. (Rant over for now lol)
In my opinion, any vehicle fuel should not have to cost more than 50p per litre.

But hey! we live in rip off Britain right!
In my opinion, any vehicle fuel should not have to cost more than 50p per litre.

But hey! we live in rip off Britain right!

Wrong, rip-off Britain is a myth. Regrettably, the only rip-off is from our government. The British fuel industry consistently delivers the lowest-priced pre-tax fuel prices in Europe. Diesel in France is only cheaper than in the UK because they don't tax it as much, it is always higher than in Britain before fuel duty and VAT are added.

However, French business and hauliers probably pay far more in total than their counterparts in the UK, because they pay far more in road tolls than the tax they're saving compared to us. But of course when people bang on about 'rip-off Britain' they conveniently forget that our motorways are free!

The government needs a certain amount of tax and, if they don't get it on fuel, then we'd have to pay it another way, assuming of course that you still want a health service, education, armed forces etc. etc.

In France they go for lower fuel tax and road tolls, in the UK we go for higher fuel tax and free motorways. So is it 'rip-of France' because it costs me a hundred Euro to get to the Spanish border, as opposed to nothing to drive from home to Dover?

So yes, you could have your 50p litre if you don't mind being taxed at 50% on every penny you earn to make up for the loss!
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I appreciate that the government needs to bring in a certain amount of taxes to pay for things but why is it always the poor bloody motorist that ends up picking up the tab??

And looking at the state of the roads these days there ain't much of those taxes being used to give us the decent roads we should have!

As for the health service, education and the armed forces it's probably not going to be long before our government sells those into foreign ownership as well.
The heart of this issue is the artificial 'fixing' of prices, not the amount of tax applied to fuel.

Of course a reduction in crude oil prices at the refinery stage will have a small affect on the price at the pumps and will therefore affect how much VAT is levied on it.

It should also be noted that we do not have enough refinery capacity to be self sufficient in Diesel and some of this has to be bought on the 'spot' market after being refined by someone else.

The British public are (rightly) coming to the conclusion that we are here to be exploited. Perhaps it would be better that every child born in the UK has "MUG" tattooed on their forehead.
The British public are (rightly) coming to the conclusion that we are here to be exploited. Perhaps it would be better that every child born in the UK has "MUG" tattooed on their forehead.

How and by whom? And how does the 'exploitation' of us poor Brits compare to other countries? I don't feel that I'm being 'exploited' by anyone. I'd love lower fuel taxes for instance, who wouldn't? But I'm also bright enough to understand why we have them and why the government feels that it is better to 'exploit' people who smoke, drink and can afford to drive a car (or a huge motorhome) than someone who does none of these things.

I'm beginning to wonder if there is something about buying a motorhome that turns people into victims, and makes them see exploitations and rip-offs and cons in every aspect of their lives? It certainly appears to be the case on this site!

Finally, I am eternally grateful that I am a citizen of the U.K. and not of most other parts of the world where many people are often exploited in the accurate sense of the word! What a charmed life we have led here since WWII compared to others. Try whinging about how the fuel costs for your expensive motorhome are making you feel exploited, to a citizen of China, India or, closer to home, Albania or Bosnia!

For God's sake people, cheer up and start counting your blessings!
The only thing I would add to what you have said, David, is that the oil traders who are suspected of price fixing are not just nasty foreigners, as some would have us believe, they include OUR oil traders, so to pretend that it is better to live in Britain than anywhere else in the world is to bury your head in the sand. There IS corruption and greed in British business (just as there is elsewhere) but, like others, I don't hold out much hope of there being any significant penalty because their hold on the economy and their political influence is quite probably greater than any politician.
I agree John. if some stiff prison sentences were handed down for fraud, we might see a change.

The latest bank scandal is with HSBC in the USA. It is described as a British Bank. :confused: Lax controls allowed Mexican (and probably other) drug cartels to launder money through them. There are even links to Iran and Al Qaeda.

Some Barclays and HSBC executives could do time for breaking US laws, even Rupert Murdoch could face the courts. Unlikely, but it will cost him millions. :tongue::dance:

Dairy Farmers are going out of business due to the low price offered by British cartels, oops, I mean supermarkets. The price is doubled by the time it gets to the shops. I may not be an economist but I know that if there are no dairy farmers then there is no milk.

A number of national companies work off a 300% mark up on goods they buy. We still think we are getting a bargain when we get 50% off in a Sale. No wonder internet companies can do well. They have less overheads and the competition drives down prices.
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Why didn't I think of that? The answer is stirring us all in the face! Every business and haulier in France can move to Brittany to avoid paying thousands of pounds a year in motorway tolls. The problem is of course, that they wouldn't be able to leave Brittany as they'd suddenly find that it's costing them a fortune again! If I move to France will I get the free rose-tinted spectacles as well!:)
The sixth biggest French population-centre is London! There are more French now living in England than in the sixth biggest city in France! Why is that I wonder? And the sale of houses to French people has shot up recently owing to the French income tax regime, which is about to get worse!

Welcome to London, France's sixth biggest city: More French nationals live in English capital than Bordeaux or Strasbourg | Mail Online

London businesses prepare for an invasion of French tax refugees - Telegraph

.....and, according to the Institute for Public Policy Research, 5.5 million Brits (that is 1 in 10 of us!) live abroad (Spain being one of the most popular options) - what does this have to do with oil traders fiddling the system? Interesting choice of newspapers to quote, though! :)
.....and, according to the Institute for Public Policy Research, 5.5 million Brits (that is 1 in 10 of us!) live abroad (Spain being one of the most popular options) - what does this have to do with oil traders fiddling the system? Interesting choice of newspapers to quote, though! :)

Nothing wrong with The Telegraph John.

I got a number of overseas jobs via their job pages. :bow:
Nothing wrong with The Telegraph John.

I got a number of overseas jobs via their job pages. :bow:

..........and their sports pages are very good too but if anyone backs up a political opinion with reference to the Mail and the Telegraph, I don't have to read too far to know how it is going to end! :)

PS as a pre-eigth century ethnic Briton I hope you feel suitably guilty about daring to earn a crust from these not-to-be-trusted foreigners!
A number of national companies work off a 300% mark up on goods they buy. We still think we are getting a bargain when we get 50% off in a Sale. No wonder internet companies can do well. They have less overheads and the competition drives down prices.

Utter rubbish! Which national companies can mark up 300%? Possibly the odd one in the fashion industry and that's about it. Where do you get this stuff from?

I'm a retailer turning over several million pounds a year with shops and an Internet operation. My gross margin has gone down from 30% ten years ago to 20% now, which means that our mark-up before VAT is 25%. So a product selling at £120 shows us, on average a profit of £20.00.

But the mark-up on our more expensive products is more like 8 - 10% because there are people working from sheds, with low overheads who are often desperate for cash-flow and will cut and cut, until they go bust, which happens regularly. There is a huge difference between selling branded goods, on which people can compare prices, and on fashion items on which it's impossible to compare like with like.

We recently sold one very specialised item for £8500 and made a profit of £400, but we have no choice but to sell the high-end items because if we don't we won't sell the widgets and accessories on which we can get a higher margin.

You seem to belong to the class of person who only sees the rich and successful businessman and completely forget or ignore all those out there who lose everything, often through no fault of their own. You may be the best book-seller in the business but you can't compete with Amazon or the switch to e-books. You may have been a very good butcher but you cannot all compete with the supermarkets. And I say 'all' because the odd butcher still survives but only because every other one in his town has closed.

So please, before you post all this kind of stuff about people marking up 300%, go to any of the free company-accounts firms who will let you have a firm's accounts free of charge, and have a look at a few gross margins. Tesco's as an example is 21.4% which falls rather short of the ludicrous figures that you're quoting!

Taking another example M & S. Its gross margin is about 40%, which you'd expect from a retailer heavily dependent on clothing. But is cost are much higher than Tesco as it has city centre stores and a much higher staff to customer ratio.
Why not put a few pence on a ltr of fuel and scrap road tax then nobody gets away with it, and the government will make even more money and visitors to this country will then help pay for our roads (of something else.)
Sorry - it was a (possibly humourous) reference to a comment maingate made on another thread (about the olympic torch) - but if you didn't read it you won't get the joke! ;)
When people start denigrating your argument by using the cheapest form of tactics and saying that, just because it was printed in say, the Daily Mail or the Daily Telegraph, you know they've lost! As if these papers would deliberately print easily refutable lies!

Anyway, just to please the lefties on here I'll give you the same story from the Guardian and the BBC. I hope that this is politically acceptable?

French parties target London expats in bid for key votes | World news | The Observer

BBC News - London, France's sixth biggest city

And I think it's pretty obvious that most people who go to live in Spain or France for instance do so mainly for the weather but when thousands of young French people decide to come and work and live in rainy old England you just know that there is something going terribly wrong in their home country.

And I wonder how many ex-pats living in Spain would now love to come home if only they could sell their houses for more than 50% of what they originally paid for it? Spain and Portugal eh? Wonderful places to live!
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