I'm here.... did someone mention chocolate...?
I can't believe 2madcollies has grassed me up about being late! But at least we're quits now, seeing as he was about an hour late on the previous dog training day... :lol-053: And at least I always warn people that I'll be late so that they have the option of giving me an earlier time, and I've now got the "Little Miss Late" t-shirt...
Thanks for thinking of me everyone, I've hardly had time to draw breath since Easter and me and Firefox's adventure. For the past couple of months, I've been marking time, waiting for the winter to be over so that I can get away in the van loads, and for a new job as a self-employed trainer to start. I'd expected the job to start in June and so had arranged loads of things to do in April and May, and I found out when I got home after Easter, that they wanted me to start on 10th May so the past couple of weeks have been pretty manic, sorting out paperwork, training planning meetings, sorting out resources, and finalising the training content. Once this is all done, future courses will be much easier and will need much less planning beforehand, as I get more experienced.
Plus Rigg has a competition in Scarborough 2 days after my first training job, so we've been doing quite a bit of training in preparation (with 2madcollies).
And I had an unexpected offer of some company for a weekend away, the same weekend as the Buxworth meet, so I ended up having a lovely weekend at the seaside, with lovely weather at Formby, between Southport and Liverpool. I found a couple of new POIs so I'll post them for Canalsman when I get a chance. The van is really coming on now, and it's really comfy with a new Memory Foam mattress (which has made all the difference) on my camp bed, and various matching curtains and cushions. It's also being "girlified" - some flowers and pink bed linen and various other little luxuries. I'm loving it. It's the best thing I've done for years.
I'm typing this in my IT class at the moment, and I'm supposed to be setting up a table in a powerpoint slide, and I've done it, but waiting for the others to do it, so I'm flicking back and forth between Powerpoint and the forum :juggle:
I haven't checked all my notifications yet so haven't caught up with PMs but I will do. I hope everyone is well and enjoying the lovely weather we're having - floods? rain? What floods and rain?

Cumbria has had a lovely day and is bathed in beautiful evening sunshine, far too nice to be sat inside an IT room