Is the art of conversation dead

  • Thread starter Deleted member 21686
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Deleted member 21686

I believe the art of conversation is being lost in this digital world in which we live.

Don't get me wrong I think technology is wonderful and am not knocking it but have you seen young couples in a pub.
They don't talk to each other and they are both texting continuously. Perhaps to each other I'm not sure.

Some youngsters text each other whilst in the same room. whats that all about?

If it's not on the phone it's on Facebook.

What are your thoughts?
You can converse on Facebook, email and text. With less umms and errs too.

So no, I don't believe your premise is true. There is still plenty of face to face conversation as well as electronic.
I would never answer a text if the person was within a few hundred yards of me. I will not tollerate people texting in my home. I threw my daughter in law out and told her to eat elsewhere when she sent a recieved a text at my dinner table. I will also not 'chat to peoiple on live messenger etc., If they have something imp[ortant enought to covey to me they can ring me otherwise I don't want to know.
I often get people pop up when I am on line. and it is the same thing: Hi, Hi, pregnant pause, How are you? preganant pause and so ad infinitum. I now just say PISS OFF you brainless fool. That works.
I was saying exactly the same to my wife via an email. I was actually replying to a text she sent me telling me that my tea was ready and could I message our son on Facebook to get him to come down stairs.

I'm not sure her feeling on this matter as I'm still waiting for her Fax !!
I hate technology I do !
Give me something that makes a noise with an engine any day.
You will not miss anything on here as half this lot cannot hold a conversation anyway as if it not rum it beer or some other foul liquid being consumed !

Especially if the engine is driven by steam.
you are so right,i was making our bed 18 year old was next door in her room and i got a text of her.whats for tea ?madnessI or its just lazyness
I believe the art of conversation is being lost in this digital world in which we live.

Don't get me wrong I think technology is wonderful and am not knocking it but have you seen young couples in a pub.
They don't talk to each other and they are both texting continuously. Perhaps to each other I'm not sure.

Some youngsters text each other whilst in the same room. whats that all about?

If it's not on the phone it's on Facebook.

What are your thoughts?
yep the art of coversation is dead people are to busy to stop and chat and now are use to holding coversations by written word and they dont even use full word there are lots of shorcut when not using conversation and the other thing is the inflection on a word can be taken two way when written yet when spoken can have different meanings
I would never answer a text if the person was within a few hundred yards of me. I will not tollerate people texting in my home. I threw my daughter in law out and told her to eat elsewhere when she sent a recieved a text at my dinner table. I will also not 'chat to peoiple on live messenger etc., If they have something imp[ortant enought to covey to me they can ring me otherwise I don't want to know.
I often get people pop up when I am on line. and it is the same thing: Hi, Hi, pregnant pause, How are you? preganant pause and so ad infinitum. I now just say PISS OFF you brainless fool. That works.

PISS OFF you brainless fool!

I'm so glad to hear the art of conversation is not dead what a relief.

Donkey Why dont you try being a little more direct somebody could miss understand that as a term of
Is the art of conversation dead? Far from it, I meet lots of people and have plenty of conversation. I also use emails, text, facebook and twitter and, of course, post on a number of forums. All this is communication, some face-to-face, some at a distance - it's difficult to talk face-to-face with someone in Egypt or Italy or Canada!
"Conversation" as such is definitely very different nowadays.
I think it's largely a generation thing.

Many things that we (oldies) did naturally are now considered weird and strange, eg, saying " Good morning! ( bore da, for you Welsh folk).
This is an almighty shock to some youngsters and, once they've pulled out all the wires and things, they can appear quite perplexed.

On the other hand, my grandkids cannot imagine how I can live without all the gadgets or "friends" on f-book or twatter.
Imo, they don't realise they're hooked, but in theirs, I'm just a silly old dinosaur who has gone past his sell-by date.:(:eek:

sean rua.
one thing i do enjoy is the people who visit applecross and surrounding area and drink in the pub and then go out side with that look on there face as they stare at the new fangeled iphone android etc,,NO SIGNAL,,,,:)

no amount of waveing it in the air or standing on tables to get a bar on the signal metre.

the joys.
one thing i do enjoy is the people who visit applecross and surrounding area and drink in the pub and then go out side with that look on there face as they stare at the new fangeled iphone android etc,,NO SIGNAL,,,,:)

no amount of waveing it in the air or standing on tables to get a bar on the signal metre.

the joys.

People used to cry when the pub had no beer now they cry if the pub's got no signal.
In these terrible pubs people are actually forced to, I'm almost afraid to say it. Talk to each other!
Speaking as someone who for the last six weeks has had hardly anyone but sheep and the occasional deer to speak to I am now rediscovering the art of conversation. Everybody who passes me in the street receives the benefit of my friendly, loud sing-songy banter. I am happy to say that after two cautions and three arrests I am now out on bail to appear before the beak in three weeks time!

One thing I've noticed creeping into conversation.....especially online the abundance of American words that seem to be appearing. It does annoy me. So with that in mind here's Rubbertramp's short glossary of Olde English words and phrases. Or " Ow us yews to say'n when oi wuz a bey!"

I guess so......I suppose so
Ballpark figure......roughly
Compliance........What the Daleks wanted from Dr Who...but never got.
Apartment.......Flat (expensive)
Store......Shop/Put away for later
Awesome....Quite good
Hun......German soldier during the two world wars.
Yeah, right!.....My arse!
The Mall....The street where the Queen lives.
I must admit to being a texter! I love a good text, however I would never text anyone in the same room as me.
I agree that it is difficult to understand someone's humour from a text or email and missunderstandings can occur. Some things are best said face to face or on a phone call.
There is a girl who works for me, who, when she sends me a text, I have to take a deep breath to read it as there is no punctuation and then read it a further 3 times before I understand it as she abbreviates her words beyond recongnition! Drives me mad. :mad:

example -
lil = little
ppl = people
bk = back

What the fk! Speak English girl! :scared:
well txt speak is going to be a official before much longer us oldies are going to be left out in the cold
I must admit to being a texter! I love a good text, however I would never text anyone in the same room as me.
I agree that it is difficult to understand someone's humour from a text or email and missunderstandings can occur. Some things are best said face to face or on a phone call.
There is a girl who works for me, who, when she sends me a text, I have to take a deep breath to read it as there is no punctuation and then read it a further 3 times before I understand it as she abbreviates her words beyond recongnition! Drives me mad. :mad:

example -
lil = little
ppl = people
bk = back

What the fk! Speak English girl! :scared:

My wife uses this text speak and I refuse to read it i just text back "what!".
I found it was taking me ages to work it out all because shes to bloody lazy to write the whole word. bloody annoying.
Does this mean I'm an old fogey.

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