Is it just me

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3802
  • Start date
No, it's not just you Arthur!

I'm no expert on the law, but that sentence does seem very lenient, especially for a second offence!
no Arthur its not you ,there's on law for us, and no law for them :mad:
We are a soft touch - there is no detterant that's why they come here.
If that were you or I we'd get deported to America under 'anti terrorism' arrangements................:mad2:
Honestly, some people have no tolerance or sympathy for their fellow men in what is obviously a time of great distress after a gross miscarriage of justice.

Smile and wave boys, just smile and wave...
Simple, should be deported.

Any immigrant, breaking the law should be kicked out, we have enough native trash without having to deal with imports

Seriously if you are over here you should abide by our laws if not you go back.
We are a joke in this country and they laugh at us.

So if a drug dealer has 10 kilos of class A drugs you cant be sure what he may do with them so he gets off. What nonsense.

Rant over.
Oh come on, be fair.

His defence liar (oops sorry, lawyer) said he had simply been found with the various forged passports but there was no actual evidence of what he intended to do with them. (Well done Mr Warner Falk, Leeds solicitor, 4 years legal training well spent)

Let's try and think of something legitimate he may have wanted them for......

Any ideas? :lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049::lol-049:

PS The judge (actually recorder Mr Tahir Khan) sentenced him on the basis he might just have been looking after them for someone else. Even though he had already been convicted of an identical offence in 2007.

:lol-061::lol-061: Seems a shame Monty Python has finished, they could use that one.
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It has just occurred to me what the word JUSTICE really means .

J.U.S.T. I.n it for C.ash and E.xpenses.

Obvious really.
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Now come on folks, let's be fair, he might indeed been holding them for someone else, an MP perhaps who's wanting a quick getaway after fiddling his expenses?

As has already been said - the inmates are doing the running, mostly from Westminster.
I think most people have missed the obvious here - he was one of the Governments "Mystery Criminals" who are employed to make sure that the courts are complying with those wonderful Health and Safety Regulations - and therefore exempt from prosecution.

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