Irresponsible camper


Having just returned from a great w/end at new brighton front with many other motorhomes around,Parked up in the centre on the saturday afternnon was a camper who was camped with his dog on the Sunday morning decided to clear his van out only to leave a very large bag of rubbish on the road and b--- off people like this spoil it for the rest of us , also mentioned by other motorhomer was that the council were going to charge for parking on the front.:blah:
Having just returned from a great w/end at new brighton front with many other motorhomes around,Parked up in the centre on the saturday afternnon was a camper who was camped with his dog on the Sunday morning decided to clear his van out only to leave a very large bag of rubbish on the road and b--- off people like this spoil it for the rest of us , also mentioned by other motorhomer was that the council were going to charge for parking on the front.:blah:

There are people like that in every walk of life,went out my back garden and the chap across the river from me turfed his kids swing over fence into river rather than take it to the dump.


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cheeky chap..........chuck it back into his garden and give him a flea in his ear..........
At Least Some ........

……..Motorhomers are responsible.
Annie and another incredibly public-spirited individual collected and properly disposed of litter by The White Horse, Westbury POI last weekend.
The more we clear away the better for everyone!

Colin :):):)
We were parked at City Europe last Sunday waiting for tunnel and saw this. This is a convenient place to stop its free and you can stay overnight. I wonder how long it is before MH are banned. There is a garage quarter of a mile away with full MH services.
Maybe its me but ths kind of thing pi**es me off.
City Europe.jpgi
You see this sort of thing time and time again.

Leaving rubbish

Parking over several parking bays

Blocking up the seafront roads, camping for weeks on end

Stealing water

Dumping toilet waste in the bushes

Using disabled toilets to empty toilet cassettes

Camping where the council say you can't

Well it's little wonder that motor homes are not welcome

There about as welcome as nightmare neighbors
Having just returned from a great w/end at new brighton front with many other motorhomes around,Parked up in the centre on the saturday afternnon was a camper who was camped with his dog on the Sunday morning decided to clear his van out only to leave a very large bag of rubbish on the road and b--- off people like this spoil it for the rest of us , also mentioned by other motorhomer was that the council were going to charge for parking on the front.:blah:

Not now Council leader scraps Wirral coastal parking charge plan | Wirral Globe
Our old Swift would constantly leak fresh water out of the overflow/ vent pipe if driving or parked on a slope ,I certainly don't understand this obsession by a few motorhome owners about a bit of grey water , also one day someone is going to take a picture of the wrong van and find either themselves or their van seriously damaged.
The police are well aware of the grey water problem as thousands of members of the public are contacting them on a daily basis :banana:[/QUOTE]

I feel totally the opposite about grey water, we should act responsibly, motorhomes have holding tanks built in for reason and that's why the French have thousands of purpose built places to drop it. There was a place less than a quarter of a mile away where this owner could have dropped it. Surely we all know if we abuse sites we lose sites, every week I read on this site about another place being lost because of a minority of irresponsible people.

Speech / rant over :mad1:
I feel totally the opposite about grey water, we should act responsibly, motorhomes have holding tanks built in for reason and that's why the French have thousands of purpose built places to drop it. There was a place less than a quarter of a mile away where this owner could have dropped it. Surely we all know if we abuse sites we lose sites, every week I read on this site about another place being lost because of a minority of irresponsible people.

Speech / rant over :mad1:

I think you will actually find that the main reason for losing motorhome parking is the fact that they are big ugly vehicles that people don't want parked anywhere near them especially if there are houses nearby , grey water is the object of a few motorhome owners paranoia and I doubt even noticed by the public.
There is then the complaints from local campsite owners who feel they are losing business, but my guess is actually very few members of the public actually ever complain about motorhomes.[/QUOTE]

That is true. When councils are asked to confirm details of complaints there are never more than one or two - no matter how many the council originally alleged - and more often than not there are none.
That may be clean water at Citë Europe. I dump what's left of ours because we've finished with it and are loaded up with booze.

When I was there I saw a few vans dumping water and I think you are correct. They dump the water, load up with booze from the shop there, then catch the train home.
Not sure why anyone would want to travel anywhere in a motorhome with an empty water tank ?

I quite often leave home with an empty tank if I'm going straight to a site. Why carry 100 kgs of extra weight when a 2ltr bottle will do a brew on the way?
Must be a different mindset as we often change our minds on destinations but also may just stop for the night because somewhere is nice or traffic but also like to have plenty of water as you could breakdown, I don't get the thinking of the weight as it's minuscule compared to most motorhomes. :p

Depends on van Charlie, water is 1:1 litre:kilo so our clean tank is 140kgs full. From some posts I have seen there are people here who don’t have that much payload spare. I like To carry water for same reasons you gave but not always full.
I don't get that either why would anyone buy a van with no payload ? About as much use as a caravan then ?
Well nearly as much use as a set of tent poles without the tent as it was too heavy to carry ?
We top up wherever we see water and always set off full to the brim and always have done but then I always filled my onboard caravan tank and carried extra in the tow car .
If we were doing more wildcamping we would take another 100 litres as we always did in the Winnebago so had 300 litres :dance:

Same here with my pokey pvc. Only an 80 litre onward tank which is always full when I leave home regardless of where I’m heading. If wilding I also carry an additional 50 litres to ensure I have plenty.
I had a conversation with a chap on a site last year who had a c class van. He never used his onboard fresh or waste water tanks ?
He used a waste container like the caravan brigade use and had a couple of 5 litre water bottles fordrinking etc. He also washed up using the site sinks. I asked why and his reason was it effected his mpg ?
Might as well have had a caravan or tent.
I haven’t got to the fill up whenever I can bit yet although I guess we will need to for France. We aren’t always wild camping though so half a tank is usually enough for a night or two without more. If I ‘know’ we are heading to a place we can get water I am happy enough with half a tank but normally go to half if not, plus a 5ltr bottle for drinks.

Was wonering if there was an opening to fill tank with Buxton water before a meet then decant into bottles and sell ha ha

I think I saw something on here where some new mh’s are being sold with only 140 kilos of payload, don’t know which ones these are but it said the sales folks were saying that’s plenty.

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