

Hi there, we are going to Ireland in July. Sailing from Cairnryan to Larne.
Would appreciate any info from anyone who has wild camped in Ireland - north and south. We have no planned route - we will just go with the flow!
Thanks, P&J (hobby)
I think there are one or two posted in ireland but not many
perhaps you can fill it out when you get back.
I am hoping to get there too in the next year or so so will look forward to seeing your posts
If you are heading anywhere near Malin Head theres a great site on the waters edge. Follow the R242 as far as you can go and then the road drops at quite an angle towards a rocky cove with steep cliffs all around. I am trying to locate a photo to give you a better view of the area, soon as I find it i will post here.
Have a good trip wherever you go...

Ive found the photo but dont see a method for uploading it??? :(
I usually upload my images to a host server (I use photobucket) If you are having probs then send me the jpg to and I'll post it for you!
Here we are...
Thanks for pic - looks great! Will definitely head for there. Have quite a few spots to check out now - thanks to all. Will post any good places we find on our travels. P&J

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