Introducing Ourselves


Hi fellow campers!!

I've just found this wonderful forum. My husband and I toured Europe last year for 6 months in a camper. we stayed in sights because ...well to be honest I'm a big feartie!!

However now we're home and want to sample weekends here and there and i'd quite like to try out wild camping. Can you offer any security advice. We have a dog (a boxer) he's always with us and we have a guard dog sign in the window, we also bought a ratchet strap for the two cab doors. I've heard so many horror stories (albeit mostly about France and Spain). Does anyone ever arrange group camping, I'd feel alot more secure if there were other campers?

we're in Scotland by the way.

I look forward to any replies.

Hi from the west side of Scotland. Security? for me a good wheelclamp....a very good installed alarm system...and on the front seat a 53 pound, extremely patient rough collie - with very large teeth.

Of course, you could be like my daughter and son in law in Oregon who were offered by the dealer, when they bought their motor home, a tripod mount for a shotgun to go immediately inside the entrance.

when they declined he replied "Crazy English"
Well that would certainly have made me feel secure (the gun that is)

Just have to go with the trusty old dog and hope he's scary enough to do the trick, thing is if anyone every got in, he'd lick them to death and probably pin them to the floor anyway. :lol:

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