Interesting US self build

Here is the British equivalent to that Yank Tank.

It was at a Vintage Rally.

He said you dont need a special license as it's an RV, that's a bit scary.
varies by state, but generally can drive upto around 22t on a car license and above that might need a CDL - Commercial Drivers License. but even then, depending on state, if a private vehicle, a non-CDL is given.
This is why you see so many people driving around in 44 foot coaches with matching trailers for their toys.
It's a strange place, I know once you declare it an RV it drops out of testing too so you get 60 year old busses with worn out everything.
It's a strange place, I know once you declare it an RV it drops out of testing too so you get 60 year old busses with worn out everything.
Again, that varies by State. Register in California and you need the proper annual checks. Register in Texas and I think it is just an initial check. Others will have different rules.
Same with residency... Can't recall which state it is, but if you stop there overnight, you can then declare to be a state resident, get a driver's licence and register your RV there, all with minimal costs and tests.
I remember many years ago there was a hire boat company on the Norfolk Broads who offered the hire of a boat with a wheelhouse at the front and a large flat rear deck. The idea was that you could take your own caravan with you and they would load it onto the deck.

I thought it was a great idea but it never caught on, probably because it was a bit restrictive in that you wouldn't be able to negotiate some of the bridges, notably at Wroxham and Potter Heigham.
