Insurance extra fee for having a Hotmail account

Les Haro

"We found that on comparison website GoCompare, Admiral charged a Hotmail driver £467.04 and a Gmail one £435.68 — £31.36 less," the reporters said.

I have a few email addresses and use Hotmail for all the sites that may bombard me with crap once signed up.
It keeps my personnel email acc clear and readable.

I know certain jobs incur risks, early starts late finishes but **** not my choice of email

Protonmail gives away free accounts these days, really good free service - very secure.

It is worth you then upgrading to a subscription service - can't recall the cost but it is good value, also allows multiple accounts under one name - such as an email account for family members.

Proton also offer their own super secure VPN service.

Secure email and a paid for VPN service are a must for me - especially when travelling and using public or campsite/burger bar/ etc internet access all around europe or when I use my UK Broadband dongle (with 3) in europe.

I think the issue here is not the merits of e mail providers but the fact the OP was charged for having an e mail account with Hotmail ? Do any other members have any similar experiences ? Shed any light or proof an e mail address can influence premium ?

Hotmail is a poor choice of email, but I thought it was a while since it was regarded as a sign of being a scammer. However, nobody is forced to use Hotmail. Your call!

I'm very interested in your thoughts as to why Hotmail is a poor choice of email provider, hairydog.
It's a free option and I would have thought quite a good choice for many people.
I'd value your comments.

Colin 😊😊😊
I got an email from admiral saying there was no truth that they charge different prices down to your race
I'm very interested in your thoughts as to why Hotmail is a poor choice of email provider, hairydog.
It's a free option and I would have thought quite a good choice for many people.
I'd value your comments.

Colin 😊😊😊

I can’t answer for hairydog, obviously, but I know of six family members and three pals all of whom have had their Hotmail accounts hacked; some more than once. I think they’ve all switched accounts now, mostly to gmail.

I got an email from admiral saying there was no truth that they charge different prices down to your race

MO COMPARE Motorists fork out £1,000 more to insure their cars if their name is Mohammed
Top firms such as Admiral and Marks & Spencers have been dragged into an insurance race row after giving far lower quotes for drivers with traditionally English names like John

By Ben Leo
22nd January 2018, 12:17 am

This was in the Sun believe it or not
ive got a couplle of email addresses that ive had for about 20 years and a selection of hotmail amd gmail addresses that i can use when i suspet the recipient will be bombarding me with spam or when i dont forsee an ongoing need for the other party to contact m ein the future. , these get changed when i get tired of the spam theyre getting.
I use my old h/mail through thunderbird which is safe,as for anything connected with google or m/soft you may as well stand on a soapbox showing the world your wares.
One thing to consider is once you sent mail to third party it will get out anyway as you can only secure at your end.

....oh the doomongerers....negative vibes...saddos with nothing better to do.... LOL 😂 Never had a problem with Hotmail.....been using it for years....keep trawling....must be better threads to Troll over... Maja :cool1:
....oh the doomongerers....negative vibes...saddos with nothing better to do.... LOL �� Never had a problem with Hotmail.....been using it for years....keep trawling....must be better threads to Troll over... Maja :cool1:

looks like somebody just poked karma in the eye with a shitty stick.

This saddo with nothing better to do prefers to keep his communications private and secure.
Other saddos with nothing better to do might not be so bothered or perhaps they are not aware of the risks of having financial, business and personal information stolen and misused because of poor data security practices.

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This is getting scary ... I am agreeing with the hairy hound more and more!!

I believe he is quite right about Hotmail and how it is perceived. So not only has it been subject to hacking more then just about any other free email service, many websites block Hotmail addresses, others do not let people register with a Hotmail address and a very large number of individuals (myself included) are wary and liable to distrust an email from a Hotmail account.
This is getting scary ... I am agreeing with the hairy hound more and more!!

I believe he is quite right about Hotmail and how it is perceived. So not only has it been subject to hacking more then just about any other free email service, many websites block Hotmail addresses, others do not let people register with a Hotmail address and a very large number of individuals (myself included) are wary and liable to distrust an email from a Hotmail account.

Used Hotmail for years and never had any issues...It still doesn't answer the question though no one is asking if Hotmail or gmail are good crap or indifferent

I understood the question to mean has anyone knowinfully or discovered heard people charged online when using a Hotmail account.

This thread is going like cables I don't think there was an answer more people cockwaving questioning resistance of a bloody wire

Used Hotmail for years and never had any issues...It still doesn't answer the question though no one is asking if Hotmail or gmail are good crap or indifferent

I understood the question to mean has anyone knowinfully or discovered heard people charged online when using a Hotmail account.

This thread is going like cables I don't think there was an answer more people cockwaving questioning resistance of a bloody wire


No channa i have never heard of folk being charged extra for using h/mail,do you not run your mail through thunderbird,so easy to do,no adds and very easy to read and work with compared to m/s hotmail setup.:idea:
"saddo with nothing better to do" discovers that this is true....

....oh the doomongerers....negative vibes...saddos with nothing better to do.... LOL �� Never had a problem with Hotmail.....been using it for years....keep trawling....must be better threads to Troll over... Maja :cool1:

January 23 2018, 12:00pm,

Admiral charges Hotmail users more for car insurance | News | The Times & The Sunday Times

Admiral charges Hotmail users more for car insurance

One of Britain’s biggest car insurers has admitted increasing premiums for drivers who apply using a Hotmail account.

Motorists seeking cover from Admiral could be charged £31 extra if they use certain email addresses. The insurer said some domain names were “associated with more accidents” than others, raising applicants’ risk profile.

Does that settle it ?

Trawling (aka RESEARCH) pays off
On the other hand, TROLLING rarely does

jus sayin

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....spose us Hotmail users need to give Admiral a miss then !! earlier post was aimed at what some would see as an over the top response...some people do have reasonable opinions but choose to express them in (some would say) an overly aggressive way. A pleasant "in my opinion...blah blah" would suffice rather than a "wrecking-ball" approach LOL:) I'm not a softie LOL.... just don't see the need for unpleasantness..... Maja
A little off target. I got lifetime subscription of Equifax when they got hacked. I found that Admiral Insurance do a check on me every year because I used a price comparison site for insurance prices three years ago. They say it is normal practice, but they seem to be the only insurance broker to do it.
....spose us Hotmail users need to give Admiral a miss then !! earlier post was aimed at what some would see as an over the top response...some people do have reasonable opinions but choose to express them in (some would say) an overly aggressive way. A pleasant "in my opinion...blah blah" would suffice rather than a "wrecking-ball" approach LOL:) I'm not a softie LOL.... just don't see the need for unpleasantness..... Maja

Where is the unpleasantness ?
Unless you mean the comments from yourself to the other members who expressed an opinion.
None of my responses are unpleasant

You responded to a very valid concern with name calling and insulting remarks, while assuming a lofty attitude .

You classified folks who were commenting on this as "the doomongerers....negative vibes...saddos with nothing better to do.... LOL"

Well those comments and the way that they were made offended me but I responded politely.

You are blind to the offence that you caused and now in a very Machiavellian way, try to turn it around and blame others.

Thankyou for your valuable inputs.


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