Instrument Panel Problem

David & Ann

Full Member
Instrument panel seems to have packed up. 1) Speedometer needle all over the place when driving. 2) Rev counter needle, stays in "0" position. Fuel guage, reads 1/4 full when the tank is full. 4) Temperature works and is accurate.
My local garage removed the unit and sent it off to someone and it came back as unrepairable and they want £650 for a new unit, £35 for telling me the unit is kaputt, postage to be adde to the cost. So, if I get it done completely it is going to set me back nearly £950 to £1000. Before I give the go ahead I would appreciate your advice. Hoping to hear from you folks. Thanks in advance.

Please tell us the make of the chassis. Is it a ducato base?
Check your fuses inthe cab area. Depending which model Fiat you have, it could be fuse No. 11. This fuse is for the front breather box and is not used on UK vehicles. It can short out and you lose speedo and other instruments.

If the fuse has gone it will keep blowing until you replace the pipes with the heater in, or much simpler, just disconnect it altogether. I have never had to mess about with it but a garage will sort it out for a lot less money than you are facing at present.

BTW, I am still upset because you missed me out of your goodbyes when you went to the Antipodes. That is why if I am correct in my diagnosis, you will be getting a hefty bill for my consultancy services.

Bitter? .... Me? ...... Never. :hammer:
I have the 2.2 and have had similar problems. On investigation I found that the No 11 fuse had blown. This fuse is under the bonnet on the right and is hidden under a plastic cover. I replaced it thinking that would solve the problem but it did not. I traced the wires to this fuse box and found TWO broken wires. One is on a sensor in the small bore water pipes just under the centre of the windscreen. The other, believe it or not is on the cooling water reservoir and the broken ends were touching each other (it is the one that puts on the light in the cab for low coolant). Both these items are on the circuit for the speedo and upset the operation of the instruments because they ground out the circuit.
Try looking under the bonnet for such broken/shorted wires usually they are on connections which vibrate a lot when the engine is running.
All the best.
Instrument panel seems to have packed up. 1) Speedometer needle all over the place when driving. 2) Rev counter needle, stays in "0" position. Fuel guage, reads 1/4 full when the tank is full. 4) Temperature works and is accurate.
My local garage removed the unit and sent it off to someone and it came back as unrepairable and they want £650 for a new unit, £35 for telling me the unit is kaputt, postage to be adde to the cost. So, if I get it done completely it is going to set me back nearly £950 to £1000. Before I give the go ahead I would appreciate your advice. Hoping to hear from you folks. Thanks in advance.

Did they actually find an irrepairable fault, or were they unable to find any fault at all so just give you their easy option of buying a new one?

I'd follow the advice from Maingate and Bopper first, then if it's still faulty, you could try taking it directly to an auto electrician.

I had a similar recurring problem with a car, but luckily I found that a sharp tap on the instrument panel made everything work again!! (obviously, for safety reasons I couldn't advise anyone else to try this!)
Check your fuses inthe cab area. Depending which model Fiat you have, it could be fuse No. 11. This fuse is for the front breather box and is not used on UK vehicles. It can short out and you lose speedo and other instruments.

If the fuse has gone it will keep blowing until you replace the pipes with the heater in, or much simpler, just disconnect it altogether. I have never had to mess about with it but a garage will sort it out for a lot less money than you are facing at present.

BTW, I am still upset because you missed me out of your goodbyes when you went to the Antipodes. That is why if I am correct in my diagnosis, you will be getting a hefty bill for my consultancy services.

Bitter? .... Me? ...... Never. :hammer:

Hi Jim, How are you young fella. I am truely sorry if I had missed out your name at the end of the year on my trip to the Antipodes. Perhaps, it was the change of your Avatar. Secondly, I am slowly becoming senile ☺☺ Do forgive me. Just for the records, I prefere the Avatar; the evil one from one of those "007" movies. A puppy in your arms is a bit maternal ☺☺☺ Anyway, thanks for your tip. The MH is at the garage, so will give them a call and ask them to check the fuses and wiring. See what happens.
Got MH back yesterday from the garage, Cost me £103 just to tell me my instrument panel gauges have had it. I checked this morning the fuses under the bonnet. Fuse no: 11 is fine. Checked all the others also ok. Happen to notice my Starter battery is very low after giving it a full trickle charge. I have the feeling the current from the battery is running into the chassis or some place else. Another thought. Is it possible the flat Starter battery was the cause of the fall out of my instrument panel. I have no idea. Any ideas what else to do re: panel?
Have you had a dump check on the battery to see what condition its in and also have you checked the charge rate to the battery? just find out what it is be it can be too high as well as being too low.i know i have said it before a faulty regulator can cause many problems on the instrument panel
Battery 110AH is a year old. It was fine on 13th December 2011 when I went away for the winter. I checked the Batteryon 14th April 2012. It was dead. Recharged it on trickle charge for 36 hours. Started engine and took the MH for its first runn in 4 months. That is when I noticed the problem of Instrument panel. Today a week later after charging the battery i found it was running down, hence my thought that the charge in the battery is running out somewhere. Hope the explanation is clearer. To be honest i have not the faintest idea what to do. So far I have paid out £103 to a garage and have got nowhere.
I fear the four month lay-up may have done for it :(

The guarantee almost certainly won't cover neglect - so I'd advise you not to mention it until asked ...
teutone think that right had simalar problem to yo think it was on fiat from what remember see his post on here could ask him

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