In trouble with the Germans


Full Member
We are in Playa de Mazarron and the Germans have certainly moved in. We had an empty pitch behind us and then a large Cathago arrived. They spent most of the afternoon nailing down ground sheets. This morning however they have moved onto the big stuff and the kitchen tent was being erected. Our bikes were locked to the rail with the handlebars just overhanging his pitch just where he wanted to put his kitchen tent.

After a lot of arm waving by the German it was evident that he had claimed all the pitch and we were encroaching by a couple of inches so we have had to move the bikes.

What a waste though, a really nice Cathago nailed down to the ground for the winter.

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That’s the only downside of that site, there’s a lot of that nonsense goes on unfortunately.
We arrive there on Thursday and we’ll be on pitch 9. If you’re still there then pop round for a cuppa/beer.

Sorry iampatman we are off tomorrow doing a bit of wild camping before we go to Kiko Park. Thanks for the offer of a cuppa.

Update ..

He has now started sawing up pieces of angle and tubing so have to assume he will be expecting me to remove my pipe that goes into the drain as the only one that’s left is blocked. He will also have trouble with the one tap as we are using it to fill the watering can.

Well I suppose they are at least using it :)

This is going to be one of those dream purchases that people go on about. Only done 3000 miles in 6 years. Trouble is of course that all the fittings will be very well used.

When the germans give trouble show them a picture of a spitfire to remind them who is king.:plane:
They are still digging in. They decided that they would connect to the tap on our pitch as it was easier than trying to connect to the other two which leak. That was until SWMBO went out and put them straight about which tap they should use. They have spent all morning trying to connect to a tap that leaks every time you turn it on. SWMBO forgot to tell them that we are leaving in the morning.

Thought Caravaners took a lot of stuff with them. They are still unpacking.
Coincidence ?

I was eating Sauerkraut today !

But more pleasantly Germany is great and even better if there are less MoHos there !

Maybe call up Mr Fawlty and Manuel (He is from Barcelona after all)
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When the germans give trouble show them a picture of a spitfire to remind them who is king.:plane:

grammatically incorrect...who "was" king.
Supermarine is dead since half a century and the fantastic Rolls-Royce engines are owned by Volkswagen and BMW....:king:
grammatically incorrect...who "was" king.
Supermarine is dead since half a century and the fantastic Rolls-Royce engines are owned by Volkswagen and BMW....:king:

Hi Bernd,
Haven’t seen you for a while on here, are you in Greece?

It is funny, I visited Germany in my van and the only exposure to Germans were the territorial brigade on the costas I had experienced and at the back of my mind being truthful I did wonder how I would be received as a Brit in Germany with the history

I needent have worried I think they hide the sun longer brigade or permenantly export them, The German people I found really friendly and helpful culminating in a football match (told you it solves everything) and a few beers well a lot of beers afterwards

I wouldn't hesitate visiting again, my last family in Frejus were a German family he was a lecturer at Cologne university and long story but ended up sharing Yorkshire Pudding in static I had commandeered and taking advantage of the oven.

They loved it but couldn't understand there was no meat !! ,of course the whole idea re its origins so one history lesson later that little issue addressed and a few more beers the world put to rights interesting conversations and one of the real beautys of travel

reason to travel if ever there was

We are in Playa de Mazarron and the Germans have certainly moved in. We had an empty pitch behind us and then a large Cathago arrived. They spent most of the afternoon nailing down ground sheets. This morning however they have moved onto the big stuff and the kitchen tent was being erected. Our bikes were locked to the rail with the handlebars just overhanging his pitch just where he wanted to put his kitchen tent.

After a lot of arm waving by the German it was evident that he had claimed all the pitch and we were encroaching by a couple of inches so we have had to move the bikes.

What a waste though, a really nice Cathago nailed down to the ground for the winter.


I was curious as the where you were so had a look, and now I am curious as to why anyone would want to be there anyway, I am obviously missing something, but why would anyone want to be here Google Maps or are you elsewhere?
It is funny, I visited Germany in my van and the only exposure to Germans were the territorial brigade on the costas I had experienced and at the back of my mind being truthful I did wonder how I would be received as a Brit in Germany with the history

I needent have worried I think they hide the sun longer brigade or permenantly export them, The German people I found really friendly and helpful culminating in a football match (told you it solves everything) and a few beers well a lot of beers afterwards

I wouldn't hesitate visiting again, my last family in Frejus were a German family he was a lecturer at Cologne university and long story but ended up sharing Yorkshire Pudding in static I had commandeered and taking advantage of the oven.

They loved it but couldn't understand there was no meat !! ,of course the whole idea re its origins so one history lesson later that little issue addressed and a few more beers the world put to rights interesting conversations and one of the real beautys of travel

reason to travel if ever there was

When it comes to European Nations and places to visit, Germany and its people are very friendly, helpful and polite (both in private life and working life) - the polar opposite of its next door neighbour which seems to be so beloved by Motorhomes.
It is only the British which is still obsessed with both wars and 1966. The Germans have progressed past that.

And yes Channa, they certainly like their meat!
I was curious as the where you were so had a look, and now I am curious as to why anyone would want to be there anyway, I am obviously missing something, but why would anyone want to be here Google Maps or are you elsewhere?

Thats like asking why would anyone want to be in Pudsey. I would think because they wanted to be there.
I worked virtually full time in Germany for a few years, I was at the Brandenburg gate when the wall came down. The Germans certainly are different to other Europeans in many ways, but I found that overall they are friendly and helpful and certainly have a generally good lifestyle. On holiday though I do find their territorialist tendancies annoying at times.

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