In praise of our nhs.


Full Member
Three months ago I went to my Doctor to discuss my difficulty with hearing and another problem I had, he arranged some Hospital appointments for me. the first was an Hearing assessment and it was decided that I needed Hearing Aids which I got on a subsequent appointment. My other problem needed a further appointment for an internal investigation , and then another for action, this was done at day surgery very successfully, it was discovered that a further appointment would be needed for further investigation which I had and then yet another appointment for Day Surgery, this took place Yesterday , the day of the Strike ,but Surgery went ahead as planned., So I have 8 Hospital appointments in three Months, all were on time with very Professionally Caring Staff,I was treated with Dignity at all times, kept informed of all procedures, had follow up calls at home the day after all procedures . The Hospital environment was very pleasant, clean and relatively noise free, food I was offered was very good,and a good choice was available.So I can not praise our NHS enough and particularly the Royal South Hants. Hospital at Southampton, I was also offered transport to and from the Hospital should I need it but this was not necessary as my wife drives and we made our own arrangements.I need another follow up appointment six weeks from now and another 5 years hence, these appointments are already booked.
I don't know about the rest of the UK, it makes me proud of the NHS in Cornwall. From the time I applied for a Catarach to be operated on to the day I had the operation it was 2 weeks and 6 days. Granted I got my GP to write aletter saying it was urgent. Excellent. Will be getting the other eye done on my return from Oz in April. Hopefully, it will be done as effeciently as the first operation.
Hi Vindiboy
That is very good news for you in your area. But whatever you do don't get ill if your are in the Medway area (kent). when I was caring for my mum (I did this for 21 months) she was at the time 85 years old She was in and out of hospital and of course I used to take her there it was quite normal to take approx 6-10 hours to book her in to get a bed at the time she was on something like 15- 20 pills a day. One time after being admitted she had a small operation and was discharged two days later and when I went to pick her up I was not happy with her breathing and was told that the surgeon was quite happy for her to go home and that was that so I made the sister put on the notes about her breathing problems after much arguing and took mum home two days later I had to call the medoc doctor out and he sent her straight back to the hospital. She was I have to say given a bed within an hour but she stayed in hospital for another 6 weeks!!!. before her problems was sorted out. After about the first month I went back to the previous ward and told the sister and she just went red!!.
so I think some hospitals are very good but others can be pretty average. I do have to say however that the consultant who looked after her with her medical problems (cronic heart Failure) and during the 6 week period mentioned above A Mr Mosin who is an Iraq'i doctor was and is Fantastic with really great 'bedside ' manner.
So it was good to hear of your treatment and how well they looked after you.
Bye for now

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