Ive been off line for a few days too,,,,
What! when! how! why!
Why cant we have the good old banter among friends as we would at our work place or in the local?
if i took things the wrong way at work or home or in the local when someone had a bit of fun at my expence or was playing me up they would rightfully give me stick & tell me to lighten up as i would tell them the same,, the amount of times ive been had by work friends & my EVIL WIFE is countless the pratical jokes the wind ups the P155 takes,, i just give them the same back but we always remain friends always,,,
But willful harmful bad minded banter should be nipped in the bud straight away,,, im asuming the said wind ups where ment in bad taste & to do harm by the sounds of things? & the said people ment to be Nasty???????
what ever happened on here i can only asume was bad?? and not just the usual wind ups??????
i personally just have banter with you guys that i know will like a bit of fun, harmles fun and clever witt never done any harm to anyone, just simple back to basics humour,,
i dont ever personally get involve with on site politics and arguments rightly or wrongly i keep out of the heated debates,,
Im on here 90% for the knowledge of you like minded wild campers also to share my finds & knowledge & enjoy your trip detail your photos the mods you have done to your vans also the fun posts that mean no harm are what make this a nice place to be, also share details of the places you have seen,and also share some strange stories lol, the other 10% is to have a good old honest P155 take out of each other no harm ment,,
I dont & will never understand bad minded people EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just my 2pence worth from a Simple minded Mothman,,,,,,,