Important please read!


Once again members have used this forum to fight there petty battles and have spoilt things for others .
This will not be tolerated and the threads will be removed.

If you think it is clever to bait other members then you will be banned. No exceptions!

Trying asking yourself if members are going to be happy with your post before you post it.
Hi Phil
The problem is that there are members on here that are he'll bent on winding other members up and are only on here for that reason and the wild camping forum it there playing field.
There are more and more older member to this forum that are leaving because these wind up merchants are not interested in the harmony of what we consider to be a forum for liked minded people that enjoy our hobby. I for one don't post often and when I do log on there always seems to be a unease about this forum which is a pity... When I first joined it was a friendly and helpful forum now it's just a place for a slaging match and bitching forum..
This is my own personal view and if any member feels that they wish to slag me off well go ahead..
I actually posted about the behaviour of the 2 members involved but it never appeared. It must have been at the time Phil acted.

Things have been OK for a few weeks and it makes a big difference to the forum. If it is going to happen again, I hope Phil clamps down on the guilty ones.
Yes Phil this is meant to be a friendly site and yes ***** we should help our friends on here but is censorship the answer. What if you are the OP when things kick off, are you to blame. Where do you draw the line. Apache Two, Will people not leave if they are frightened to disagree with a statement in case they are banned. Perhaps we should "bite"less (difficult for me) and the windup merchants would have a lot less fun.

I agree with the first two posts and it should not be tolerated in any shape or form and I think the long term members should stop it in it,s tracks instead of just sitting back and watching like a soap and waiting for Phil.
What comes to mind is my friends friend is my friend and my friends enemy is my enemy.
Too much of this has happened in the past:cry:

I would hope by now, I am considered a long termer, and hopefully my experience and knowledge as helped others:and if and whilst that is the case i will continue to post;

I dont see though that i have a right to appoint myself as some censor or moderator which seems to be your suggestion,

of course i agree that some of the comments made on the thread in question were un necessary and became personal;;on this point i fully understand phils " scarborough warning"

but who am i to check a post i disagree with

several of the newcomers have an acidic writing style perhaps no more than that

if those of who care continue to post, the keyboard warriors will find elsewhere to post


I agree with the first two posts and it should not be tolerated in any shape or form and I think the long term members should stop it in it,s tracks instead of just sitting back and watching like a soap and waiting for Phil.
What comes to mind is my friends friend is my friend and my friends enemy is my enemy.
Too much of this has happened in the past:cry:

i was in the process of doing that very thing.when my kids fought pointlessly i would distract them,but now the threads been taken off and t bear thinks i really think a spoof wasn't a spoof when of course i knew it was honest.
what is it about this forum that causes such contentiousness anyway?
my answer is if upset someone then tell me dont tell others let us sort it out like grown adult in private not on forum where sides get taken ok we say we dont take side but it is human nature to side on one and not the other if we cant sort then we just dont speak simple answer rather than throw it out on forum where it get bandied about and get twisted to eaches point of veiw
In the interest of harmony I will agree a spoof is a spoof. But just this once:)
I posted my displeasure on the thread that's been removed, and registered my displeasure directly with Phil as well.

My school motto was 'Manners Maketh Man' and I subscribe totally to that epiphet.
But what if a friend is wrong!:cry: it would be a better friend to point out the error of their ways, rather than joining in on the friends side.
That was the point I was trying to make!


The last thing I want to do is start an argument on this post but what I went on to say which you left out is "Will people not leave if they are frightened to disagree with a statement in case they are banned". Of course you have to present the facts and point our errors but this does not mean that you cannot support your friends when they are being bullied.

My school motto was 'Manners Maketh Man' and I subscribe totally to that epiphet.

Ours was"only nick from thy tuckshop if thy no get caught,,,,,a striping of thys behind will leave its mark"

40 years later and as misceant as ever


ps; peeps pay for thi type of thngs nowadays,,,,, mps etc
Personally I don't care if there is a disagreement. Why even bother to read and post if you don't like the thread. How difficult can it be just to go look at some other threads instead? People do make such a fuss over a storm in a teacup!

As for people leaving because there are a few differences of opinion here and there, I don't subscribe to that point of view. There seems to be more people than ever posting and going on meets etc. It's a very poor reason to leave when there are so many other helpful threads taking place.

Celebrate the good and ignore the bad... that was my school motto :lol-053: ...actually it was "Virtue, Learning, and Manners" but I was never much into that stuff apart from the second one :p
Perhaps, instead of 'biting' at the 'bait', why not try the IGNORE facility (I have), and if enough people feel the same way about a 'baiting' poster, the 'perp' eventually will run out of 'readers'! Is that not what the 'IGNORE' facility is for? ;)
I posted my displeasure on the thread that's been removed, and registered my displeasure directly with Phil as well.

My school motto was 'Manners Maketh Man' and I subscribe totally to that epiphet.

Really, ? that was also the motto of my old Alma Mater - New college Oxford.

Small World.

Dezi :pc:
Really, ? that was also the motto of my old Alma Mater - New college Oxford.

Small World.

Dezi :pc:

Its quite a common motto Dexy.

We had it at my seat of learning, The Idi Amin College for Backward Boys and Forward Girls.
Ive been off line for a few days too,,,,

What! when! how! why!

Why cant we have the good old banter among friends as we would at our work place or in the local?

if i took things the wrong way at work or home or in the local when someone had a bit of fun at my expence or was playing me up they would rightfully give me stick & tell me to lighten up as i would tell them the same,, the amount of times ive been had by work friends & my EVIL WIFE is countless the pratical jokes the wind ups the P155 takes,, i just give them the same back but we always remain friends always,,,

But willful harmful bad minded banter should be nipped in the bud straight away,,, im asuming the said wind ups where ment in bad taste & to do harm by the sounds of things? & the said people ment to be Nasty???????

what ever happened on here i can only asume was bad?? and not just the usual wind ups??????

i personally just have banter with you guys that i know will like a bit of fun, harmles fun and clever witt never done any harm to anyone, just simple back to basics humour,,

i dont ever personally get involve with on site politics and arguments rightly or wrongly i keep out of the heated debates,,

Im on here 90% for the knowledge of you like minded wild campers also to share my finds & knowledge & enjoy your trip detail your photos the mods you have done to your vans also the fun posts that mean no harm are what make this a nice place to be, also share details of the places you have seen,and also share some strange stories lol, the other 10% is to have a good old honest P155 take out of each other no harm ment,,

I dont & will never understand bad minded people EVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just my 2pence worth from a Simple minded Mothman,,,,,,,
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Really, ? that was also the motto of my old Alma Mater - New college Oxford.

Small World.

Dezi :pc:

Well there is a connection - because my primary school was New College School in Oxford. Then I went to Magdalen College School before starting my IT career in 1970. Retired last year - thank goodness - 40 years in IT is plenty!

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