I'm off for the weekend!


Hi everyone,

just wondered what you're all up to this weekend.. I'm off to East Anglia for a couple of gigs (don't want to give away exact location for fear of being robbed lol and don't even know where I'm staying yet!)

Feel so lucky to have a job where I can use my van every week to it's full potential!

I've spent 2 hours cleaning and getting it ready and all stocked up ready to hit the road soon :)

I fitted a new TV/dvd as well last night - only a cheap Tesco one but it's great to have a bit of home comfort in the van and I just run it off the inverter I bought from Maplins.

Random post anyway but if you feel like saying hi I'd love to hear what you're up to!

Happy travels

Hi, i think you should tell us where your going, we could be your roadies :scared:

Well i'm at home, getting things sorted for my hols next week, i'm going to Norfolk, you can all come and rob me if you want, Henry would love the attention.

I've got loads to do in the house and garden,

Enjoy your trip and let me know what you got up too, i won't tell anyone, promise :lol-061:
Have a great time in Norfolk and keep dry.
We got students so we are grounded for two weeks at least. The van just sitting on the drive, saying drive me.
Still we could be in France with Bushtrecker in the rain.:(
Hi Mike, Have a fantastic weekend out in the van.
We are out house hunting this weekend. (Hope we're not putting a jinks on things by saying that, had enough bad luck on the house)
:have fun:

right, who's coming to Mikes house for a party while he's away, lol :rockroll::lol-053:
Thanks everyone!

Will fill you in with details upon my return! Currently sitting in a lovely spot in the van but it's so remote I can't sleep... scaredy cat syndrome!

Does anyone else get this? Always find a beer helps but then worry about getting nicked... does anyone know the facts on that? Surely its better than carrying a large knife lol

Happy camping everyone and have a good weekend :)
Thanks everyone!

Will fill you in with details upon my return! Currently sitting in a lovely spot in the van but it's so remote I can't sleep... scaredy cat syndrome!

Does anyone else get this? Always find a beer helps but then worry about getting nicked... does anyone know the facts on that? Surely its better than carrying a large knife lol

Happy camping everyone and have a good weekend :)

Hi Mikey

You are in no danger at all in a remote place. Mad and violent people are found in urban environments. We have spent lots of time in remote places and I prefer them. I would sleep soundly there but would be on edge near houses or other residential property.

Why would anyone be snooping around in a remote location. If you are not causing an obstruction the Police will not be interested in you. Even if they did visit, you are not required to drive off immediately if you are not causing an obstruction. Offer them a cuppa and tell them you will be moving on tomorrow as you are too tired to drive at present.
There interest would be in your safety and to ensure you are not about to commit suicide.

The landowner may ask you to move on, but again I doubt if he would be bothering you during the night.

My ideal stopping place would be 1000ft above sea level with easy access to the beach. In a sheltered location with an open aspect all round. I have told Joan that I don't mind seeing my neighbours providing I am using a good pair of high powered binoculars.

Relax and you will get more relaxed the more you do it.

We are away later today to check out a POI about an hour away in the Peak district. Just for one night, cos we get twitchy if the van sits on the drive for too long. Hope you have a good weekend without rain.
Hi Mikey

it's a good point you raise regarding having a drink being parked up with no intention of driving until the morning ( by which time most if not all the alchohol has left your system ), something I have often wondered about myself

I had a quick look on google and this is what I found

In charge of a vehicle with excess alcohol or while unfit

I guess the closest thing would be being charged with is " drunk in charge "

It would seem there is no exact definition of this & it would be delt with on a case by case basis so would think a person camping & parked up would be ok, but of course don't take my word for it this is just something that the internet has brought up

Hope your trip goes well

I hope to go away shortly myself to Portland , in my camper that I bought about a month ago, one of the best things I now own I think, can't beat the feeling of loading up knowing your off on a trip somewhare

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