IE versus Google Chrome versus Firefox

got all of them on desktop plus safari tried opera but didnt like it each to there own some load pages quicker than others tend to stick with ie for general browsing and chrome for video streaming as the overheads are not so heavy
I have IE and firefox.
started having trouble with certain things on IE :pc: so installed Firefox and had no problems on it :banana: .
Not tried Google yet?
I am a bit of a techie and I do not use anything other than google chrome.

It is fast, easy to use and secure.
Chrome or Firefox. Not IE.

If you want marks out of 10, I'd say Chrome 9, Firefox 8.5 , IE 3, (Opera 7)

Firefox is good, but the trouble is it has been around for some time and is a little bloated compared to what it used to be. I run it at work, as the OS I have won't run Chrome.
Thanks guys

Am heartily sick of IE freezing on me, takes 10 - 15 secs to open new page or tab, and is frequently freezing. I think it might be cos of google and nectar tool bars. Is it likely to be any better with Chrome or Firefox?
Your browsing will be faster and much more secure with either Chrome or Firefox.

Probably fastest with Chrome but the interface is a little lean (can be customised but you need to mess around a bit) Firefox is for me slightly easier to customize how I want it.

I tend to disable all toolbars and only have menu, tabs, and buttons/address bar. Also I like all my buttons grouped top left like home and refresh, not sprayed all over the place like the modern browser style!

I also serve my home page as a series of links on a page off the hard drive so it's faster.
Your browsing will be faster and much more secure with either Chrome or Firefox.

Probably fastest with Chrome but the interface is a little lean (can be customised but you need to mess around a bit) Firefox is for me slightly easier to customize how I want it.

What he said :)
Ok, thanks, will try Chrome. I presume I can leave IE installed, don't need to uninstall it, do I?
I use firefox and also don't have any toolbars. I also use ad removing programs so never get adverts or flashing images onscreen. I found the worst thing for slowing down any computer was Norton antivirus and any HP devices eg HP printer etc. Since moving to a canon printer and Avast free antivirus, I have had no problems. Trying to remove all HP stuff from the computer is a nightmare.
Another way to speed up browsing is regulary emptying your memory cache of all but used cookies.


No you can have as many as you want installed. I'd keep IE just in case.

IE will probably bleat about not being your default browser if you start it up, but just ignore it! Chrome should import all your data and bookmarks from IE for you.
Hi Whitevanwomen,

You have given it a good clean out of old unused programs, temp files, cookies, ect?

Every couple of years I have tended to wipe the whole drive and reinstall just what I want but it tends to take a weekend to do.

Now running on Chrome, seems faster already...

Had to completely reinstall OS (Vista - yuck) a few months ago and I use the full version of Advanced System Care so temp files, reg errors etc cleaned regularly.

Am debating upgrading to Win 7 and Office 07 (currently on Vista with Office 03) - can get cheap student copies of Win 7 and Office 07 but not sure if it's worth the hassle and I really don't like the ribbon things in Office 07. Now that I've upgraded RAM and got all service packs and fixes for Vista installed I'm tempted to stick with it - would I really be much better off upgrading? Still got XP on netbook which is my fave but netbook is dying (5 years old, max RAM, battery dead and new replacement battery also died so there's a charging fault somewhere). Tempted to go for an Android tablet, any comments?
Comodo Dragon is a slightly more secure version of Chrome. Comodo also do a free Internet security (firewall) and antivirus suite.

Mr B.
I've used Opera for years and find it great for most occasions. Certainly safer than IE, comes with a handy mail system as well.

Software still quite small and fast. I revert to Firefox is a site is designed for IE and isn't fully W3C compliant.

Only use IE as a last resort.
Yes Opera is quite good too. I have that as my second browser on this machine. It's not as fully featured as Firefox and the interface again needs tweaking but it is quite lean and fast. I can't remember having used IE for anything over the past couple of years. I don't even like opening it, it's full of security leaks.
I use Firefox 9.1 v8 was buggy
Opera great on the smartphone very fast.
Chrome fast, but I hate the interface and a big no for me No colour management unlike Firefox
IE the devils spawn the one that causes all the problems with web design
Thanks to all for your comments, I'm now using Chrome and can't believe the difference in speed, amazing. For the moment I'll stick with Chrome but might look at Firefox and Opera at some point.

Have never had any security probs with IE, it was just the slowness and the freezing which were exasperating.

I use full version of Kapersky (free through online banking) which has definitely made a difference to IE browsing speed but it doesn't seem to be a problem with Chrome.

Any thoughts about upgrading to Win 7 and office 07 and Android tablet? Your comments much appreciated.
I'm using Win 7 on my mail laptop and XP on 3 others

I've found both to be stable.

Initially some S/w didn't like Win 7 64 bit but a lot of the bugs have gone now for me.

I prefer the interface of XP, maybe I'm just used to it, but even after 2 yrs Im not keen on the visuals of 7.

Win 7 does seem to require a much faster processor and much more RAM. Bloatware springs to mind, but it is trying to do a lot more than XP did for me.

I'm not highly technical as far as PC's go, but I'm no beginner. I just use it a lot for work and play.

As far as mobile goes, I've no idea. My phone just makes calls, texts and takes pictures!!!
I use W7 on a laptop -- largley changes for changes sake I think, hellova a job finding things. Much prefer XP, same with office 07 compared to 03. Although, W7 is supposed to be very stable. Keep thinking of building a new photo editing PC, but want to use an SSD boot drive, don't really want to use W7 but can't use XP either.
No experience with tablets, would rather a netbook. Looks like they have invented a gadget, but trying to find a need for it.

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