The iPad is superb, my daughter has one but I wouldn't buy one for myself. If you want it as part of your motorhoming life there is a huge drawback to an iPod or an Android tablet, in that you can't plug in a USB wi-fi booster, which will allow you to pick up wi-fi from McDonald's, Tesco and all the other places that are offering it.
We were in Calais a few weeks ago and, whilst my wife went into a large supermarket (I forget the name), I noticed a McDonald's not far away. I took out my laptop and plugged in the booster but found that the McDonald's signal wasn't strong enough (it was distance away) but the supermarket had a very strong signal and like Tesco in the U.K. is obviously offering free wi-fi for its customers.
I had this same decision to make before we went on our last trip to Slovenia and Croatia. My four-year-old Samsung G10 netbook was playing up (a well known cable problem on this model) so I had to decide which route to take. In the end I decided that, as I wasn't going to be carrying it around like my smartphone, and that it would only be used in the 'van or at home, what was the point of a fiddly netbook with a small screen? So I bought an HP laptop with a large screen and it has been brilliant.
Mine was about £450, but if you don't want to spend so much, there are plenty of lower-priced laptops if the idea takes your fancy. If, like me, you're never going to be wandering the streets with your computer, you could ask yourself why you want to bother with something that's quite small and consider getting a new laptop. It goes without saying that, if you are going to be carrying it around then I can see the point of a netbook.