Hyundai HY1000si Generator


Hi all - does anyone have experience of this generator or the 2000 watt unit?

Also - are they very noisy? - i dont want to be a pain in the butt if they are noisy - so how far away would I need to be from another camper to avoid irritating them with my noise

No idea with this one. I know generators are not always flavour of the month on here, but they are very handy.

If you don't need loads of power, Clarke do a 750 one for under £100. They are very reliable, durable and nearly as quiet as a 'silent' generator. I don't know if they do anything bigger which is similarly quiet and cheap.

I had one which ran faultlessly for years. Stupidly I gave it away with the motorhome, so when I bought a camper I bought exactly the same. Probably about as good a recommendation as you get.
Hi all - does anyone have experience of this generator or the 2000 watt unit?

Also - are they very noisy? - i dont want to be a pain in the butt if they are noisy - so how far away would I need to be from another camper to avoid irritating them with my noise


Noise being such a subjective thing, ALL generators WILL be regarded as noisy under certain circumstances. Personally, I regard ALL generators are ALWAYS extremely irritating no matter how far away they are or even whether they are running or not.
How about telling us how long you plan to run it each day and between what hours and whether you intend to turn up at a campground already half full with peaceful campers coomuning with nature and plonk yourself down in their midst and run the generator half the night just to watch TV. Even better, cook a roast in the microwave or run the AC with the generator on eco throttle.
Indeed noise is relative. A quiet gennie can often be drowned out by the noise of a group enjoying a barbecue, for example, or a dog barking. I have never encountered a problem with sensitive use of mine. Sadly I simply do not have the resources to buy solar panels etc..., so a gennie serves my purpose well.

For me it is clear cut though, if it's going to offend anyone, or I even think it might, then it doesn't go on. As for objecting to a generator that is not even switched on, I believe that to be unreasonable, but only as unreasonable my objecting to a large awning on the side of a motorhome or something similar.

Personally I say well done to the OP for thinking about the noise issue before purchase. If s/he has thought about this, I suspect they've also thought about other forms of supplying the requisite amount of electricity within their budget.
- so how far away would I need to be from another camper to avoid irritating them with my noise


About three miles should do it!

It was more for solo beach type stuff and top up at festivals - but will investigate further


Hi Mick, It is nice that you are asking around and getting a fair idea of people's reactions. At the end of the day, it is what you think best for your situation. Years earlier, before I had Solar panels, I too, had a generator. I had a standing rule (for myself) never put on the Genny in the evenings or nights. During the day I would charge up the batteries for the evening usage, 1.e. TV etc. If fellow MH's were around I would ask them if it was okay. If not, I would move further away. Whatever, it is a matter of being considerate and using common sense. To date, you are approaching the situation sensibly. Well done. Have fun.
Indeed. As I said in my first response some will always be anti generators, which is fair enough.

Also, as I have mentioned, in many years of using one I have never once had a comment or complaint. In fact, I have, to this day, quite a few friends who I may not have met had I not gone and knocked on the door of their van to say hello and ask them to let me know if the noise annoyed them.

I tended to work on the principle if we couldn't hear it, and we were nearest to it, others were unlikely to be seriously disupted by the noise.

At the end of the day, the argument could go on all day long, but also common sense dictates that the OP is taking a highly responsible approach to this and is thus highly unlikely to cause a nuisance setting up his gennie right by someone else at 11pm.

I applaud his responsible, decent, thoughtful approach to this. :D
I have had the 1000watt one for three years now, got it from sail & power. All generators are noisy but the suitcase type as they are called are a lot less noisy than the frame type. The hyundi uses the smooth inverter type power supply and it is good for charging batteries via two croc clips. I believe they run at 80 - 90 decibels. I put mine away from the van when I rarely use it. As for upsetting people well I try to be alone whenever I camp and can upset no-one but I think I would rather hear a generator than some moaning b------d blabbering in my ear about football or their illnesses etc;
By general opinion the quietest is the Honda 1000i or 2000i especially if gas converted. I looked at these and eventually paid more for a second hand 2000i which was already gas took me a while to decide because I liked the idea of the remote start, but decided noise level was more important....and it usually starts at second or third pull.

Yesterday I parked up on a main street in Northern Ireland to watch the Olympic Torch go by....I ran the generator at the side of the road briefly between myself and the car parked behind ( to make coffee) ....plenty of stares and smiles...but the noise was no louder than another car engine idling even at peak so no one complained and there were police standing about 250 yards away....I think that about says it all..:)
I have a Hyundai generator and I actually take it camping. I don't have a motorhome, just a large tent and we keep it covered outside. It stays in the car if it's raining. I actually have the 2000 Sei version, not the hy1000si, and it's not terrible on noise. It's got 2 different decibel ratings on it, the old style from 7m and the new measurements from 1m, but from 7m it's around 57db, which is surprisingly quiet.

There's always someone moaning about generators at the local campsites to me, but this is the quietest generator I've had. When I got mine, I got it from a dealer in Bridgend and we compared a few, the difference with the hyundai and honda versions was that hyundai was slightly more powerful, but a couple of dB louder. The price difference was massive though. Would've ended up paying almost £300 more for the honda so bit the bullet on the noise, but in general a pretty quiet genny.
I bought my eu20i from here who also service and after id purchased he then went on to tell me how good the kipurs are for the money and also the hyundai .I do track days in cars thats why i built my camper and have since heard most genies and there isnt much in any of them noise wise .I bought mine for work and if i had to buy again i would buy the hyundai
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