Hows this for the ultimate Wild camping vehicle?

nice one jed .as you know i,m really into vw,s but now mitsubishi canters . try a google of mitsubishi canter 4x4 campers . makes your heart beat faster.
i hate to say it but they are a far better vehicle than the vw . and much more reliable . go on have a look .
but good of your mate . the 4x4 lt isnt very common in the uk . but there is a few ,i know syncro spares uk have been having a few over the years .
i saw that link via the LT FB page. i could really do with that for my Euro trips.........

i didnt watch the video, after 10 seconds of crap music and boring vid i got fed up.

i couldnt see a price on it............
Flattering :lol-053:



hehe. ( watched all the eurotrip vids on brickwerks and promised myself never again lol)

if it was £3k would be out of my price range....was dreaming anyway. sort of thing i would have if i had the money, rather over a modern big white all inclusive camper.......

I liked my T3 and wanted a doki, not keen on modern ones...........all look the same and no charachter
Love it! Too small for us though but I do like the idea of never getting stuck again which I do all the time with our big white brick!

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