How was it for you?


So here we are in September, gateway to the autumn. Summer has been and gone and the footy season is back in full swing.

On the camping front, we were late starters and did not aquire our van until the last couple of days in July.

We have had six nights away though, and numerous day trips. We are not packing the van up just yet though as we have a week off later on in the month, when we will probably head for the Scottish borders.

How was the summer for you?

The only summer that I saw was 2 weeks in France a a week in Spain. Its a bugger when you have to go abroad to find the sunshine.:D

We went abroad and still didn't get any sun :(
Still there's always next-year :rolleyes:

This summer has been feckin rubbish.... just like last year.
Not only have nearly all my trips in the van been washed out with rain, but every camping trip with the tent has been a waste of time as well. I'm sick of having to unpack it when i get home to dry it out.
Off camping in Belgium on my bike this thursday for 5 days, and the forecast aint good. I'm living in hope that it will be better mid Sept when i go to Newquay in the van for a week..... But i wont hold my breath.

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