How many solos

Little Kopit

I plan on making an rving trip to the U.K. for one and the continental EU for two (at least ) times after retirement.

The name of the game in joining is to learn gradually.

I am used to rving solo with my two dogs.

How many people out there do you see are solo rvers?

Originally posted by Little Kopit@Apr 11 2006, 09:02 AM
How many people out there do you see are solo rvers?

:D Hi Little Kopit. I have seen several Belgian, Dutch and German single men, a German single lady living in a Hymer and a French women with 6 dogs living in a car. All in Spain. ;)
How about on your side of the Channel?

Especially wilding it?

Originally posted by Little Kopit@Apr 11 2006, 11:10 AM
How about on your side of the Channel?

Especially wilding it?

:eek: I cannot say I have seen any singles here in the UK. But I would think there are bound to be some. To be honest. We don't spend much time touring the UK. :( Too busy touring Europe and the USA. The UK is a fantastic place that we would love to see more of. The only problem is the weather. :(
"I am used to rving solo with my two dogs." I am sure an earlier post from Little Kopit either said (or implied) that dogs would be involved in the UK or EU with camping.
If so (and they are to be imported or obtained here and taken back) check the regulations with extreme care for all countries involved.
I enquired about taking our dog to stay with a daughter in Oregon and the complexity made it impossible - one slip will ensure the animal is quarantined for months. Lesley is a vet and said that she would not wish this on any animal either mentally or physically, and she has been involved with quarantining in the UK.
For example, the US Embassy said that they understood the laws relating to each state the plane few over had to be complied with in case an unscheduled landing was made...try sorting that out!
The dog had to be microchipped to an International standard....some states do not recognise that standard and demand their own even if a landing there is totally unlikely.

Do not accept anyone's word as to the regulations...make sure you get everything in writing.
Sounds good Cas. You would notice more than others.

Is anything you would call an issue or a greater challenge going it your way?

sagart, I have an idea on the dog question, which I shall investigate more fully as the time gets closer.

I've got that sorted for Australia. Oz<->Canada route is all clear. Here's hoping it stays that way. I might decide to buy over there and bring a little lady home with me, to make her a mommy later. MIght!!

i solo most of the time 'cause i don't have any friends.well ,none that understand the need to stop at interesting places every few dogs, no babies ,just a nice bottle of wine . life is so good on the road.
Originally posted by irenerobbie@Apr 12 2006, 07:28 PM
i solo most of the time 'cause i don't have any friends.well ,none that understand the need to stop at interesting places every few dogs, no babies ,just a nice bottle of wine . life is so good on the road.
Well you're not alone, well not on here anyway, I've solo camped all my life and was very fortunate thirty odd years ago in marrying a girl, who though definitely not a camping type, didn't object to me swanning off every now and then on my own.

As our kids got older I was able to spend months away, mostly in France where I have some relatives and spent a lot of time renovating old property.....

I bought an old Transit and converted it into a camper...most of the property I converted was too derilect to live in.

A spring or summer evening in the countryside in the south of France.....miles from anywhere, with not a soul in sight, bottle of warm red wine, decent music softly playing.......If there is a heaven........thats it......

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