hosepipe ban


A few people have asked me ,about filling up the motorhome using a hose.Just phoned up water board and you can use a hose,to fill up boats and motorhomes.
Actually, if you think about it, you use less water while your out and about than when at home, so your actually saving water by filling up
It depends on the authority but usually the "hose pipe ban" applies to unattended hose pipes and sprinklers. Hand held hoses are generally OK.
Hand held hoses are generally OK.

I don't think that's correct - I wouldn't chance it ...

The reason you can use a hosepipe to fill water tanks, be it a boat or a motorhome, is purely to do with hygiene, and health and safety. You have to be able to drink and wash, and flush the loo.
It depends on the water authority. What usually happens with Three Valleys, now Veiolia, and Anglian is they allow hand held hoses but not sprinklers. It depends on the Authority and the severity of the ban in place but usually hand held hoses are OK at least round here.

The above is for watering gardens etc. Clearly filling up motorhomes is 100% OK under any "hose" ban, that goes without even saying.

What I do know is that water authorities are quite happy to pocket profits and do nominal amounts to repair leakage from pipes which is the the major cause of water loss, many times greater than the use of hoses. Yet another case of restrictions addressing the symptoms, but not the root cause.
One of the few good things about living in Portsmouth is we have our own Water Company who have never had a hosepipe ban. The down side is I have two bills, One for the water and another to Southern for sewage. What I don't understand is it costs twice as much to get rid of it than it does to get it:(
reply from Anglian Water

A few people have asked me ,about filling up the motorhome using a hose.Just phoned up water board and you can use a hose,to fill up boats and motorhomes.

Here's Anglian Water's reply from my enquiry .... Thank you for your email

You are able to use a hosepipe to fill the water tank in your motor home during the ban without fear of a fine. The use of a hosepipe to facilitate drinking, cooking and toilet water in recreational vehicles such as boats and motor homes is acceptable.

Anglian Water Customer Services
water board

Anglian water water care 08457 91 91 55 This is the number ,if any one wants to check themselves.
It depends on the water authority. What usually happens with Three Valleys, now Veiolia, and Anglian is they allow hand held hoses but not sprinklers. It depends on the Authority and the severity of the ban in place but usually hand held hoses are OK at least round here.

The above is for watering gardens etc. Clearly filling up motorhomes is 100% OK under any "hose" ban, that goes without even saying.

Anglian do not allow the use of hose pipes for watering gardens

What can't I do when I'm on a hosepipe ban?
Watering a garden using a hosepipe.
Cleaning a private motor-vehicle using a hosepipe.
Watering plants on domestic or other non-commercial premises using a hosepipe.
Cleaning a private leisure boat using a hosepipe.
Filling or maintaining a domestic swimming or paddling pool, except by using a hand held container filled directly from a tap.
Drawing water, using a hosepipe, for domestic recreational use.
Filling or maintaining a domestic pond using a hosepipe, except where fish or other aquatic animals are being reared or kept in captivity.
Filling or maintaining an ornamental fountain, except where an ornamental fountain is in a fish pond.
Cleaning walls, or windows, of domestic premises using a hosepipe.
Cleaning paths or patios using a hosepipe.
Cleaning other artificial outdoor surfaces using a hosepipe.
What am I still allowed to do?
Use a hosepipe in a garden or for cleaning walls or windows of domestic premises, paths or patios, a private leisure boat or an artificial outdoor surface, where such use is necessary for health and safety reasons;
Use a hosepipe in the course of a business to clean a private motor vehicle, or for cleaning walls or windows of domestic premises, paths or patios or an artificial outdoor surface, where this is done as a service to customers
Use a hosepipe to water a garden attached to a domestic dwelling or to water plants on domestic premises by people with severe mobility problems or who hold a current Blue Badge issued by their local authority.
Use a hosepipe to water an area of grass or an artificial outdoor surface used for playing sport or recreation (but not for any ancillary use), where this is required in connection with a national or international sports event only.
Use of drip or trickle irrigation watering systems fitted with a pressure reducing valve and a timer, that are not handheld and which place water by drip directly onto the soil surface or beneath the soil surface, without any surface run off or dispersion of water through the air using a jet or mist.

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