

we are off for some fun in the southern spanish sun van and trailer packed for our 6 month break. house let out and job packed in, its time for a bit of fun and r&r. back in the spring unless we get hooked and settle there.
bye for now tony and lynn:D;)
Hi Tony & Lynn,
have lots of fun while you're there! :cool: Looks like our four dachsies are destined not to meet up at a camp! :rolleyes: :rolleyes: As I said, :p have a good time, ;) also a safe journey:) and happy camping!! :D :D :D :D JIM.
Have a lovely time wish we had the nerve to let our house out.Cant wait till December then we are off for 5 months Spain and Portugal been 2 x 3 stints in the last 14 months so might as well let house out we are never here (so family say )

Good luck. Hope you enjoy it.

Jimmnlizz - I've got 2 dach also. Can you imagine the trouble if all 6 got together. Stubborn little things mine are when they want to be.

Sorry, off post!!!

Hi Jon,
our's are miniature wires! :confused: Yes I can just imagine them! :rolleyes: They are that long and low they would become completely tied up in one big knot! :cool: Then everybody would fall over them! ;) JIM.
I hope things go well for you both, I'm jealous as hell but well for going for it. Once again all the best:D
why sign off ? take a lap top and use wi fi hotspots ! i am going there for the winter and could follow your tyre tracks !!!!!!!!
why sign off ? take a lap top and use wi fi hotspots ! i am going there for the winter and could follow your tyre tracks !!!!!!!!
hi stevekay i am not signing off but don't expect to be on so much.
we are currently parked up at camperpark costa blanca for 2 nights costs 12 euros a night for parking place with hook up and free wifi costs a euro for a shower though.
stayed sunday night at la pobeleda campsite hoping for a restfull night but the locals decided they would have karaoke till 4:30 and then i think someone decided at 7:00 to go rabbit hunting so no rest but shall get some here. a btw don't stay at la pobeleda unless you have a smallish unit it was a bit tight getting down through the village and getting back out of the site it's a steep incline with a gravel road and hymer said no so had to get a friendly essex man to tow me up.
on to almeria tomorrow staying near tabernas for approx 3 weeks as thisis nearby to my wifes sister.
Good luck. Hope you enjoy it.

Jimmnlizz - I've got 2 dach also. Can you imagine the trouble if all 6 got together. Stubborn little things mine are when they want to be.

stubborn doesn't sound like dachs to me lmfao
our dog is coping really well with the travelling but then he really likes going out in the m/home he doesn't complain just entertains himself and us while we travel. the bitch is stressing a little not eating her meals but she's a daxie and won't refuse a treat so she is getting nourishment from doggie treats and healthy carrots.
male gets on well with other daxies but some other dogs he just has to have a go at, having said that he got on well with bros lab when he met her so maybe he is mellowing in his dotage, the female is not too happy with other dogs and keeps out of the way but seems better with other daxies too odd that they get on so welll with their own breed.
six daxies together lol we could have daxie sprints to see which could get the bowl of food first followed by wrestling when the others got there lmfao

my dad has a mini cream long hair dog and is currently looking after my sisters mini-mini black and tan long hair. I say mini-mini because it is at 1 year old about half the size of the others. It is so fast and bouncing about that mine just turn and hide from her.

Mine are getting better with other people and dogs but unfortunately my cream one has been attacked twice and she is very wary of anything. The rotty that last got her, used her like a rag doll, fortunately a strategic good kick got the release of mine and an immediate trip to the vets. She was very lucky to only received puncture wounds to the skin. As for the police, it was just defending its property (public land!!!!!) they said

As for stubborn, when I take them for a walk, if they decided they've gone as far as they want they dig there paws in at which point it is easier to turn round and go home.....

Enjoy your travelling.

thanks jon and i know exactly what you mean about stubborn mine wouldn't go for a walk with me this am 100yds and they stopped till i turned round and came back:mad::mad:

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