Hmm Fancy one of these !!

Yes, a nice bit of kit!
A bit pricey, perhaps?

sean rua.
I've seen these before, I think they are great. Small enough to use as an everyday car but with the slide out bed big enough for longer trips out. Shame about the price :scared:
Very clever, similar price to a few other new VW T5 conversions.
Looks like you loose access to kitchen unit when closed, and side door. Bit of a pain for a lay by brew. Can't have everything I guess.
Maybe we could build a DIY version for a more sensible price?? :idea:
Considering their size, T5 panel van are an expensive base to start with. They are well made though, and very nice to drive.
Love one but not at that price hard enough paying for all the wine my lot drink when they come over here funny how many friends you have when you live over here :cheers:

Have you seen those teeny Japanese ones called tentmushi? They come as a basic microcamper or with various extensions that seem to pop out in all directions.Just type 'tentmushi' into youtube.
Yes, that looks fine,:) but is it an expensive version of the old vw camper?
Perhaps, the diy option would prove more economic.

sean rua.

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