Hidden Agenda!


Got this from my Daughter, it's worth a read, but don't hold your breath
hoping things will change.

If you drive a car, please read -

Sarah Kennedy was talking about this proposed car tax scheme on Radio 2.
Apparently there is only one month left to register your objection to the
'Pay As You Go' road tax.

The petition is on the 10 Downing St website but they didn't tell anybody
about it. Therefore at the time of Sarah's comments only 250,000 people had
signed it and 750,000 signatures are required for the government to at
least take any notice.

Once you've given your details (you don't have to give your full address,
just house number and postcode will do), they will send you an email with a
link in it. Once you click on that link, you'll have signed the petition.

The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to
purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use
it. The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the
BBC, the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a
delivery driver. A non working mother who used the car to take the kids to
school paid £86 in one month.

On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will
know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have been
going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit in time you can
probably expect a Notice of Intended Prosecution with your monthly bill.

If you are concerned about this Orwellian plan and want to stop the
constant bashing of the car driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new
website (link below) and pass this on to as many people as possible. Sign
up if you value your freedom and democratic rights -

This was on the news yesterday and the petition had achieved over 1 million signatures!

EDIT...I have just checked the link and the total signatures stands at 1,060,124.

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Have you read the report on Road Pricing?
Its here:
Full report

You will see that it is intended to replace fuel duty and road fund licence so the majority of motorists should be better off.

So all the goverment has to do is introduce this new tax and remove the existing taxes........ Ah - better go and sign the petition!
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graham/kath said:
Am I correct in assuming that if u r a low mileage driver with lets say a m/h & maybe a 2nd car that u will be better off under road pricing.
Apart from the big brother perspective?:eek:

Thats my interpretation IF(a big if) the exisiting taxes are abolished. Even the Big Brother aspect has some potential benefits in that your vehicle will be tracked so should be less attractive to theft resulting in lower insurance premiums (ha!) Also in the event of accident you would have proof that you were not speeding/ driving erractically etc - or not as the case may be.

However, I don't believe that the government of 2012, whoever that may be, will see this as anything other than an opportunity to tax/ persecute the motorist even more than now so I have signed the petition.
clarkpeacock said:
Thats my interpretation IF(a big if) the exisiting taxes are abolished. Even the Big Brother aspect has some potential benefits in that your vehicle will be tracked so should be less attractive to theft resulting in lower insurance premiums (ha!) Also in the event of accident you would have proof that you were not speeding/ driving erractically etc - or not as the case may be.

However, I don't believe that the government of 2012, whoever that may be, will see this as anything other than an opportunity to tax/ persecute the motorist even more than now so I have signed the petition.

Seems a logical assumption!

When was the last time taxes were reduced (hum)!?
Fight back

Garth. I too would gain from road pricing as I drive a works van and do not pay for fuel:) I only have leisure vehicles, the Boogie bus and several motorbikes. But the thought of someone having the ability to find out when and where and how briskly I have been driving/riding fills me with horror :eek:
I feel we must stand up and be counted or before we know it we will be getting brown envelopes through our doors with fixed penalty fines for speeding, illegal parking or overnighting where we shouldn't be. Or am I just being paranoid.:confused:
Hidden Agenda

Just cast your minds back to the "Fuel protests" with mainly HGVs, Tankers,
Hauliers clogging up the roads & M/ways by driving slow. A fat lot of good that did the average motorist, who, whilst agreeing with the protest, were caught up in the delays etc. From my memory, the only ones to benefit were the "Big guys" of transport ie. HGVs, Tankers & Hauliers, the very ones that caused the aggro in the first place. So whoever is in Downing St. first they give themselves a huge salary increase + expenses,
then decide how they'll screw us to pay for it. Whilst keeping their backers sweet with Knighthoods, allegedly. So don't hold your breath, that these new road tax proposals will mean any reduction in what you pay. IMHO it will be quite the reverse. :(
Agree but

I agree except that the transport industry did not gain a thing!!!:mad:
rupert said:
No not at all

I thought Gordon Brown abandoned the fuel tax escalator and since then the price of fuel rose only by the rate of inflation!

virgil said:
I thought Gordon Brown abandoned the fuel tax escalator and since then the price of fuel rose only by the rate of inflation!
But if U R right, we all gained, including big bad mummy bear:eek:
Is gordon a Brown Bear?
The govt already takes over 40 billion pouinds off us in various vehicle , fuel and road taxes, yet only spends 12 billion on transport systems, I dont care what they say they will never reduce taxation only increase the amount taken, If they scrap road tax or fuel duty they will only replace it with a system that takes even more from us. What do you really expect from socialists and war criminals??. Remember socialism is only a socially acceptable term for parasitism, IE one group living off the backs of another.
Big Moma Bear

Big Momma Bear told me to never to argue religion & politics.:cool:
I'm still hungry:mad:

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