Hi Wild Things!


Sunday morning, 26 Feb '06, we received an email from youngest son. He had stumbled on Wild Camping while browsing. Half an hour later we had registered and started reading "stuff". Paused awhile at irenerobbie's post about Ireland - couldn't contain the urge to respond but didn't know how to - finally managed to send an email thinking that we had "posted". Irene replied within 24 hours (thank you for your reply Irene, now we know what you meant about "campsites"). Logged on today and enjoyed more "stuff". We have been wild camping for over twenty years and learned a lot. My Viking does the project planning and coordination, I'm in "logistics". Currently we are without wheels, or should I say separated from them by about 5500 miles. In May '05 my June '05 retirement was put on hold. The company sold me into slavery in Japan for a year. So my Viking is getting very restless right now and getting all excited by your stories. We have lots to contribute, but now I'll shut up and stop babbling. But, you haven't heard the last of us

Regards, The Viking and I
Hi Viking,
Glad you found us.
I'm looking forward to hearing bits and pieces from you.

With 20 years experience I'm sure you will be an asset to our friendly forum.

With friendly greetings,
hi fella must have some good tales after twenty years :D you gunna share i hope

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