Hi from the rusty wee tin can here in the Scottish highlands


Thought you all might enjoy the latest wee film from the hovel

I just love it nearly the same as my dream but in Spain. Very well done:welcome:
Fantastic film! And great soundtrack Hermit.
Think I've seen you on the Ullapool road? More power to you man!:bow:
Evocative film ... evocative music ... who's the singer?
Very good film, I enjoyed watching it.

I am interested in your wind turbines as I am looking to buy a bigger one this year. Yours look like the 300 watt ones that will do me. What are they like in performance ?
Wild Camping Living the Dream.
The way to go.
Fantastic series of films, very thought provoking.
Not sure if we saw you in the Outer Hebrides or a similiar set-up.
Andy, many thanks for introducing me to your films and blog. I have you well and truly bookmarked now!
Very good film, I enjoyed watching it.

I am interested in your wind turbines as I am looking to buy a bigger one this year. Yours look like the 300 watt ones that will do me. What are they like in performance ?


aye the wind genny are really good especially up here on the mountains one is 300watt the white one the green one is 400 to 500 watt combined with the sollar they easily produce enough power to run tv laptops etc etc i have links on my blog Living A simple green Life

ps the wee white one is easier if you want a portable wind genny light and easy to assemble it cost me £250 and has paid for it self as all alternative energy does

Leisure Batteries, Car Batteries & Caravan Batteries | Alpha Batteries UK where i got the wind genny plus my batteries

hope that helps

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