heres our VW 1968 westy


this is our dry state USA imported, used every day, camped in throughout the year. does everything it was built to do very well indeed for 44 years :drive: bought because I had a heart scare at 40 (4 years ago) so thought sod it I'm not waiting any longer :) this is our second bay window the first was a late bay, bought this one because it shares my birthday to the day and date :dance:

westy.jpgwesty 3.jpgweesty 2.jpg
Looks lovely. Excellent first post and welcome to the site!

Don't forget if you become a full member you get access to all the lovely wild camping locations to view and download.

Looks lovely. Excellent first post and welcome to the site!

Don't forget if you become a full member you get access to all the lovely wild camping locations to view and download.


thanks, becoming a full member as I type :)
Very nice vee dub mate, welcome from a fellow VWer :welcome:
kind word greatly received, wasnt sure she'd fit in here but lovely warm reception, thanks all and fellow veedubbers be sure to wave :wave:
lovely van, thanks for sharing and welcome to the site :welcome:

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