here we go againainain got to get a move on

  • Thread starter Deleted member 3802
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Reading through the replies it seems to me that some people don't want anyone to visit Scarborough. Vanners, motorcyclists, whatever next? Wheelchair users? Gingers? Ugly folk?
"As a follow-up to this I am happy to say that the Secretary of State has recently authorised a new sign that can be utilised by local authorities to ban the parking of motor caravans on their road networks.”

That sounds ominous as it may make it easy for others to ban us from their towns & beauty spots. I wonder what the problem is that they are trying to solve?
That sounds ominous as it may make it easy for others to ban us from their towns & beauty spots. I wonder what the problem is that they are trying to solve?

A= Outsiders! :scared:
I am no letter writer but I can tell those who are that without consultation with stakeholders the secretary of state cannot authorised such a notice it requires amendments to the road traffic act and as I said this cannot happen without stakeholder consultation , unless groups with an stake in this ie this group, have been notified , and the excuse that we should have registered as stakeholders will not wash as they issued no invite when this amendment was muted, this is hogwash.
It is call their bluff time and a freedom of information request through the whatdotheyknow site should be made to said sec of state quoting the relevant piece. I say through the whatdotheyknow site as it is in the public domain and others can annotate .
If this is a downright lie then this should expose it if it is not a lie it opens the way for a challenge.

I've been reading through the earlier posts/ history on this and it's terrible shame.
Unfortunately that council typifies all that we see as narrow-minded, short-sighted, insular and often corrupt in our local government. maureentom have put a lot of work into this problem (as have many other contributors) and followed due process, engaging with the powers that be. For that, I say very well done indeed guys. It's sad that the 'committee' have twisted and turned it to what they think is their advantage - I think not.
How many wild campers are going to cough up £10 for parking overnight with no facilities? I won't.
I read the article in the local newspaper with dismay and then followed some of the posts. I feel very discouraged.
I do not want to spend my money in that place at all. I may pass through and enjoy the view but I will move on and spend my hard earned pennies elsewhere.
Like whitevanwoman said (amongst many others), there are lots of other lovely spots in the area.
Vote with your wallet - spend you're money where it counts for something worthwhile for everybody.

Silly sods. Stuff em. That Pork Pie bloke talks a lot of sense though! :dance:
Parking van


Iv'e told the wife no more yorkshire pudding or black sausage till they change their mind, we will starve them out

PS Iv'e sold me flat cap and wippet


Reading through the replies it seems to me that some people don't want anyone to visit Scarborough. Vanners, motorcyclists, whatever next? Wheelchair users? Gingers? Ugly folk?
This must be catching we are finding some village,s here are not to happy with motorhomes parking in there towns now.
This must be catching we are finding some village,s here are not to happy with motorhomes parking in there towns now.

hi Ken hope you are well. Ken are you still in alicante as im driving down your way. if you are let me know be good to know where to stay looking at 10 days and then flying bk so will be looking for sumwhere to keep vehicle. My landy is out of action so im in my people carrier regards lee

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