

Free Member
Hi all.Well tomorrow morning we are of tomorrow for our first adventure in the motorhome to sunny Orkney. Ive done 6000 miles last year without a hitch and updated the motorhome with lots of goodies recommended from the kind help you get on here.

Well, I was at work today and the missus decided to move the motorhome, an Elddis Suntor 120 2007 approx. 10 yards reversing it back in front of the house to load clothes into. 10 yards is after all a long way to walk! Whilst I was at work I get a call to say shes damaged the motorhome. Ive had another difficult day, I really need a break so I get home to find she has badly damaged the plastic rear bumper, took out one reversing light on the bumper and damaged the aluminium attaching the bumper. Its well knackered. Not only that but my outside wall is made of solid brick over a foot thick and that's toast aswell. So on the one occasion shes driven it shes knackered my motorhomes back end. Luckily im ok with spanners and duck tape so the bumpers secure the lights work and other than a nuclear war im off to Scotland tomorrow.

Does anyone know of a place where you can get spares for older motorhomes such as mine? Its going to cost a few £££ but in these days of sexual equality and everything being 50/50 guess whos paying this bill? Not me! Anyway must dash and get loaded. Thanks again everyone on here. All the advice over the last year. Just think of the cost if I had done what she wanted and bought a £45,000 Motorhome. Luckily with it being aluminium it looks pretty easy to fix apart from the bumper.
Any small body shop, on an industrial estate. Especially if has a bus, or two parked outside.
Works for us... Too B100dy often.
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Oops. But cut her some slack as I bet she feels v sad!
Have a great holiday to Orkney - we loved it.
It’s only stuff and doesn’t matter a jot in the great scheme of things. Cut her some slack, or have you never dropped a bollock, and when you did I bet she didn’t plaster it all over a forum.
Another "Help"

Was about to reach for my phone to contact the Coast Guard or International Rescue, to send aid to this member. No need. They're not in immediate danger. Phew!

I'll get back to me cuppa.

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