Help us name our new puppy

  • Thread starter Deleted member 21686
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Deleted member 21686

Our miniture Dachsund Nessa was having puppies they were due last Sat.
On the dot 9.30 labour began then nothing.
2 hours later I rang the vet and they said give her a few more hours so we did.
Poor nessa was pushing all day but no puppies so we took her to the vet.
The puppy was stuck so after several injections ,lots of coaxing by the brilliant vet, out came the pup. we were told it would probably be dead but yipee! it was alive. They took Nessa then for an xray but no more pups so just the one.

My wife said "after all that I'm keeping it"

Hence we have 1 female chocolate miniture Dachsund puppy without a name.

Ideas please.
Glad Nessa's pup is OK, hope mum is recovering well?

We had a miniature dachs called 'Tammy', and we know of someone with a chocolate Lab that called her 'Bourneville.' I'm sure her name will suddenly just come to you, that's usually our experience.
Maybe Lleuad? (but I don't know how it's pronounced so maybe not);)
Glad Nessa's pup is OK, hope mum is recovering well?

We had a miniature dachs called 'Tammy', and we know of someone with a chocolate Lab that called her 'Bourneville.' I'm sure her name will suddenly just come to you, that's usually our experience.

Nessa was shattered for 2 days she hardly moved.
She was really quite funny she was trying to hide the pup from us and was glaring at us as if we were going to take her.
She also pushed us away with her nose if we tried to touch the pup and does not want to know us.
Last night though she was torn between staying with the pup and coming to see us.
When she's feeding her it is really beautiful to watch because she is so dedicated to her baby.


Well done Nessa hope it all goes well,you could call it PHIL.


Our miniture Dachsund Nessa was having puppies they were due last Sat.
On the dot 9.30 labour began then nothing.
2 hours later I rang the vet and they said give her a few more hours so we did.
Poor nessa was pushing all day but no puppies so we took her to the vet.
The puppy was stuck so after several injections ,lots of coaxing by the brilliant vet, out came the pup. we were told it would probably be dead but yipee! it was alive. They took Nessa then for an xray but no more pups so just the one.

My wife said "after all that I'm keeping it"

Hence we have 1 female chocolate miniture Dachsund puppy without a name.

Ideas please.
how about Lucky as it's Lucky to have survived such a long birth!
SOONA (as in soon a sh!te inside than out) :lol-061:
a girl i know called her dog Fanny.nice old victorian name,but it makes for strange conversations-have you seen my fanny?---ican't find my fanny---my fanny's in next doors garden again etc there are loads more but i'm not sure i should,but when she said she was going to give it a good wash in the bath i nearly wet myself
what wronge with 'deefa', or just dog? mind you if you called "dog" where I live half the women would come running. There is also Oi! You. or if you want to be posh Blodwen.:goodluck:
Cocoa - bit of a cliché but WTH.

When do we get pictures!
Upload them to flickr or picasa/etc. Flickr even give you the BBcode to insert the photos so you just copy and past it in.
Congratualtions to Nessa and you all, how wonderful, I love a puppy :heart:
Glad Nessa is doing well and has taken to motherhood.

I know someone who has a chocolate lab called Rolo but I think thats more a boys name.

Sticking with the Gavin and Stacey theme, What about Rudi (smithys sister)?
or what about a lovely Welsh name?
I know Keira is Irish for dark or born with dark hair (i was going to call our dog that if he was a girl as he is black)
There are so many great names, its so hard to choose just one.

Yes we named Nessa after Gavin and Stacey and we were trying to think of another name from the series but smithy is a bit masculine.

Nice one - a great character.

How about the old woman who lived next door to Stacey's mum - can't remember her name - had some great lines..............
Or what about Stella, another great Welsh series

I suggested stella but the wife wont have it. I did pick it from the series I have in the fridge. I also suggested carling, guinness, magners, strongbow, woodpecker, spiteful sod wont have any of them. lol

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