Help save the dolphins

Davy said:
The first link is incredibly disturbing but needs to be watched.
If you want to make you feelings known, then do what 200,000 + people have done (including me) and click the second link and sign the on line petition.
Once you have done so, please send this to as many people as you can"
I think its disgusting in this day and age that this kind of thing is still going on, and i know we cant swear on this forum so i am going to restrian myself from doing so although i am finding it hard to do so.
Davy said:
The first link is incredibly disturbing but needs to be watched.
If you want to make you feelings known, then do what 200,000 + people have done (including me) and click the second link and sign the on line petition.
Once you have done so, please send this to as many people as you can"
oh my dear god thats so sad i feel ill from watching it,but if watching it helps future dolphins then i think eveyone should view it and vote,please stop this barbaric slaughter..sam:( :( :(
sammclouis said:
oh my dear god thats so sad i feel ill from watching it,but if watching it helps future dolphins then i think eveyone should view it and vote,please stop this barbaric slaughter..sam:( :( :(
Yep barbaric slaughter i felt the same there would have to be something wrong with anyone that dont feel sad after seeing this.:mad:
Trevor said:
Yep barbaric slaughter i felt the same there would have to be something wrong with anyone that dont feel sad after seeing this.:mad:
to be honest words fail me!!!! i just wish i could stop it,i mean its bloody 2007......sick i will have nightmares tonight its upset me so much :(
sammclouis said:
to be honest words fail me!!!! i just wish i could stop it,i mean its bloody 2007......sick i will have nightmares tonight its upset me so much :(
Yes i know how you feel all we can do is sign the petition and hope that many others do the same.
Trevor said:
Yes i know how you feel all we can do is sign the petition and hope that many others do the same.
yes we need to email it to every1 we can,its our duty as a decent humanbeing,its upsetting but ignorance is not bliss :mad:

Wow. . . . .

I viewed the title of this thread and thought "Oh no not another bleeding heart liberal", opened it to see what it was all about and watched the first link . . . . .

I will refrain from swearing but, as said previously on this thread, I am coming close!

Jesus H. Christ... Is there any need for that in this day and age?

I understand the need for Dhabiĥa (Halal) and Kosher slaughter, even though I would struggle to defend it but this is just gross, disgusting and unnecessary!

Thank you Davy for bringing this to our attention!

Signed with a capital S!
Davy said:
The first link is incredibly disturbing but needs to be watched.
If you want to make you feelings known, then do what 200,000 + people have done (including me) and click the second link and sign the on line petition.
Once you have done so, please send this to as many people as you can"
I hope you dont mind i have posted your post on two forums that i use.;)
"Davy" is anything other than a "bleeding heart Liberal" - trust me on that.

As I posted somewhere else today on the same subject "I watch this video with disgust. At the same time I have to remind myself that I eat meat
Is this any more terrible then what happens in Iceland to shore-catch Minke whales. Or is it more frightful than Tuna fishing either by long-lining or netting? (Not sure how to post a link on this Forum but the RSPB have been running a long campaign on this)

If you saw, and I mean "saw", not watched on TV, the conditions that your daily food was produced under you would never go into a Supermarket again. The chemicals that are used would bring a tear to the eye of a Porton Down scientist. The whole reason that we now have a series of Penicillin resistant type drugs is because of their indiscriminate use in the farming industry.

The whole idea of Bio-Diversity, ie set aside land, is only another means by which Agribusiness gains more EU subsidies. Please do not blame the Farmers because they are only being good business people"
happybonzo said:
"Davy" is anything other than a "bleeding heart Liberal" - trust me on that.

As I posted somewhere else today on the same subject "I watch this video with disgust. At the same time I have to remind myself that I eat meat
Is this any more terrible then what happens in Iceland to shore-catch Minke whales. Or is it more frightful than Tuna fishing either by long-lining or netting? (Not sure how to post a link on this Forum but the RSPB have been running a long campaign on this)

If you saw, and I mean "saw", not watched on TV, the conditions that your daily food was produced under you would never go into a Supermarket again. The chemicals that are used would bring a tear to the eye of a Porton Down scientist. The whole reason that we now have a series of Penicillin resistant type drugs is because of their indiscriminate use in the farming industry.The whole idea of Bio-Diversity, ie set aside land, is only another means by which Agribusiness gains more EU subsidies. Please do not blame the Farmers because they are only being good business people"

this would be against the law in this country and yes i eat meat too but we are under a law that forbids the inhumane slaughter though & thats the difference,we all know that the japanese/chinese do this sort of thing,i watched a documentary once on the dog meat trade where they skin the dogs alive...YES ALIVE!! because they say the meat tastes better when the dog is frightened & in pain because of the chemicals released into the blood,oh how sad.i personally would not eat meat that had not been slaughtered humanely,
All I can say, is don't ever go round a Slaughter House then. It was a truly terrible experience.
When I lived on Anglesey there was a Halal slaughter house opened there. All the locals said "Great, employment etc". Within a very short while the owners had to bring labour in from a heck of distance because none of the locals could handle it.
happybonzo said:
All I can say, is don't ever go round a Slaughter House then. It was a truly terrible experience.
When I lived on Anglesey there was a Halal slaughter house opened there. All the locals said "Great, employment etc". Within a very short while the owners had to bring labour in from a heck of distance because none of the locals could handle it.
oh no way thats bad and very sad :(

Your salad fingers avatar..... Wierd video's or what! Can I caress your rusty kettle?...:eek:
virgil said:
Your salad fingers avatar..... Wierd video's or what! Can I caress your rusty kettle?...:eek:

"I like it when the red water flows" - I never realised that Flash 5 could be so black - LOL

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