Hello Peeps!


Appalachian end 2012.jpgMy little empire.jpgAn english persons van is their castle.jpgReindeer pelt based super cozy 2012.jpgCosy  interior.jpg

Hello anyone or everyone. I have just joined this site and hope I have posted some pics of my much love Autotrail Cheyenne, now about seven years old. It now posseses solar panels and a wind generator and an amusing variety of modifications (I really must stop fiddling), Anyway, lovely to be linked, here's to more adventures.....Nigel Norfolk

Can I put my e mail address on? It's nigelkturpin@gmail.com, all chats answered!
Oh I love your van and very much my taste ....:heart: I want it :lol-053:

Hello and welcome

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Hello anyone or everyone. I have just joined this site and hope I have posted some pics of my much love Autotrail Cheyenne, now about seven years old. It now posseses solar panels and a wind generator and an amusing variety of modifications (I really must stop fiddling), Anyway, lovely to be linked, here's to more adventures.....Nigel Norfolk

Can I put my e mail address on? It's nigelkturpin@gmail.com, all chats answered!

hi and welcome to the site hope to see you on the road

Oh I love your van and very much my taste ....:heart: I want it :lol-053:

Hello and welcome

Well, agonised a bit about the reindeer pelts, but you know how it is! Made for a cosy winter, anyway. Also have finally cracked how to keep the cab cosy....outer insulating screen, inner cut down one, concertina blinds and my rather groovy home built hanger thingies (same for side windows). Not much point in just setting for one layer I decided, and it all vanishes for the summer. If I ever decide to give the van away, I'll let you know! Nigel
Hello peeps

Hi , very interested about your wind gen ??? We had one on the boat and it was invaluable to keep the batteries topped up, presume its de-mountable and any pics or advice on how to rig one up

Hi , very interested about your wind gen ??? We had one on the boat and it was invaluable to keep the batteries topped up, presume its de-mountable and any pics or advice on how to rig one up

Hi, in my early vanning days I was determined to be as green as possible, so discovered this company called Marlec (mostly nautical I think) I mounted the generator on a sectioned pole, so I could take it down easily, but these days travel with it on a low pole facing forward, so it works with forward motion, as well. In a weak moment I also added wings and a tail plane so it looks like that050.jpg030.jpg little stubby Russian WW2 fighter (Polikarpov was it?).

I guess it is efficient (sounds good, anyway), it feeds along with my solar panels to total about 120 watts, into an intelligent regulator that doesn't panic and dump current when the sun comes out (important, took me years to work that one out).

But, the grim truth is that nothing really beats driving around for boosting batteries.....I now thoroughly understand the difference between 12v and 230v...a mixed approach is required (and I can recommend good quality battery driven flicker candles! I even found some with remote control..bit decadent!).

So, start with the Marlec website (they are good people) and proceed from there...
Hello peeps

Many thanks for info re wind gen , we had a great wind gen set up on the boat but we are crossing from sailing to campervan and we tried to be as green as possible with the boat using solar and wind as much as possible..we hope to use as much green energy in the camper van as we did on the boat and I have only ever seen one campervan with a Wind gen before .we never used any of the 12v for lighting on the boat as have led lights that are each charged by a small solar panel (also have a remote for when I'm lazy...all the time! ) bought them from maplins and they are bril. where we have to rely on 12v lights in the camper we have changed most to led strips bought off ebay..soooooh cheap and so bright but will use 12v lights as last resort as the solar charged ones are excellent ...not sure where or how I' d get a wind gen on this camper but now I know it can be done I'll look into it as they are worth their weight in gold
Must take you ages putting stuff away for travelling, like the layout though with lots of different colours.
Hi and welcome, love the look of the van, are you into archery ? I ask as my daughter and son- inlaw travel all over doing it. :drive: :drive:
Absolutely love your style! Easily one of the coolest interiors I've seen! Really makes me want to make my mark on my van as it is all bog standard pink + grey + wood.

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