Heaven and Hell (well my idea of) are only a field away from each other at Moffat.
Are they both unofficial camp sites?
Caravan and Camping club site opposite the Green Frog.
Malwarebytes has blocked the pics due to spam.
After this post and pics your heaven is going to become hell ....why did you post ????
After this post and pics your heaven is going to become hell ....why did you post ????
Will you stayed near Moffat only about 10 days ago. The campsite looked packed then and I asked Biggarmac if it was a rally, but was told that it is almost full like that. Agree absolute hell and to be avoided. We stayed at the National Trust Grey Mere’s Tail carpark overnight. It was really peaceful and quiet. We walked up to the lake the next morning. And we were on our own.
Wrong side of the bed this morning????:sleep-040:
See the above post, also if it helps the Green frog business wise, then more garden centres might think it's a good model to follow. Who knows.
The Frog is gearing up to accomodate more vans, with hook ups being increased too