Deleted member 775
hi all ,may i wish you and all your families a very happy and prosprous new year . i havent been on here as much as i would have liked for a while ,but things have been a bit hectic what with family comitments and thank god my new job ,thats working out realy well .anyway , may i welcome our new members ,and pass on my regards to all . so lets all look forward to better time i know things can seem a bit bleak but if you belive in better times then they will come ,i dident think that after so long looking for work a job would come ,but lets put it this way ,if i am employable ,anybody is ,ha ha you gotta laugh .anyway all the best to you all and we must not forget our leader phill and also her that must be obeyed phills boss
,also canalsmam who strives to keep a data base of all the best spots .anyway ALL THE BEST ALL .I AM OFF TO GET P#SS#D AS A NEWT happy new year . see you all next year