Happy it's crap weather!!


My wife, God love her is trying to finish her course work for her Masters.

And she's hating every minute of it, she like me is 60 and her employers, the NHS insist that anyone of her age HAS to have or be studying for their MSc.

When she's completed it, she'll be 63, two years before retirement!!! What a waste of time and money, especially as the methodologies recommended by lecturers have been superseded, and she's telling them what to do!!

Anyway, back to the Title, I'm so glad the weather's crap, so we don't feel so bad not being out in the MH.

Been dry in N Wales since about 9pm last night, but they're threatening rain overnight.

Still there are a few hardy souls fishing on Old Colwyn prom and a couple of MH's as well, so the weather hasn't put everyone off.
My wife, God love her is trying to finish her course work for her Masters.

And she's hating every minute of it, she like me is 60 and her employers, the NHS insist that anyone of her age HAS to have or be studying for their MSc.

When she's completed it, she'll be 63, two years before retirement!!! What a waste of time and money, especially as the methodologies recommended by lecturers have been superseded, and she's telling them what to do!!

Anyway, back to the Title, I'm so glad the weather's crap, so we don't feel so bad not being out in the MH.

Been dry in N Wales since about 9pm last night, but they're threatening rain overnight.

Still there are a few hardy souls fishing on Old Colwyn prom and a couple of MH's as well, so the weather hasn't put everyone off.

Grudgingly, I am the same. I've been really busy and away alot during the past few weeks and have a huge To Do list - housework, house DIY, van DIY, unopened post, unread emails etc, and so this weather does mean that I tend to get on and get stuff done inside which wouldn't otherwise get done. Even the dog's not bothered about going out - when I opened the door to let him out into the yard first thing this morning, he looked at me so reproachfully as if to say "Would YOU like to go out for a pee in this weather?", and went back to his bed. He has since been out, I think he couldn't hold his bladder any longer but he was back inside within about 30 seconds!

We're into our 3rd consecutive day of non-stop rain here, with another 2 days at least forecast. I'm so glad I live halfway up the fellside - if water comes in the back from the fells, I'll just open the front door and let it all out. At least it would save having to mop the floor :D

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