happy birthday


happy birthday to me 13th june.
fortunaly i wont be on this cold damp fog-blanketed lump of rock we call home, i'll be in the land of the free. namely cold, damp, fog-blanketed san-francisco for 11 days.
we could have rented an rv but shirl booked all then told me :confused:
then on july 14th we head for sunny south east deutschland in the Sächsische Schweiz (saxon switzerland/dresden) area for 2 weeks for shirleys birthday.
this one i planned then i find she hates the krauts cos her dad was wounded in ww2 :eek:

usa = hotel :(
germany = motorhome :)
sammclouis said:
im sure you will enjoy the usa....just be a bit different...happy birthday :D
thanks sam. never been to usa before so it will be an adventure and another country on my ever growing list. ;)
pappajohn said:
thanks sam. never been to usa before so it will be an adventure and another country on my ever growing list. ;)
iv never been either.......iv always fancied it.have you got a big suitcase..:D

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