hair removal advice

You have to click the link just to read the reveiw on the stuff pmsl...............:lol-049:
Why would anyone want to be hairless in that region anyway? maybe a wanna B Porn Star?



Someone asked me whether I knew Vic Burns? Well I do now :wacko:
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I think that fits neatly in the 'Don't scratch your ar*e while using paint stripper' category...
Why would anyone want to be hairless in that region anyway? maybe a wanna B Porn Star?

I thought everyone did? I have been doing so for 40 odd years and will carry on doing so as it is so much more hygenic. I have a very nice hairdresser who has done mine for me over the last ten years or so.
I have got to tell you this.
Years ago When I managed a certain factory. I had occasion to spend a day out on one of the fitting vans.
At lunch time I popped into a public loo and sat on the seat broken hearted when low and behold something came through a hole that was drilled in the wall. So I left the cubicle and went out to the van and got some Rustyns paint stripper and a pair of rubber gloves. went back into the cubicle and the thing came through the hole in the wall again so I librally smeared it with the paint stripper. I then went out and listened to the moans. :lol-049: I oft wonder what happened to the bloke, or indeed if he was married and what he said to her indoors?.
oh good, toilet humour!i was with a mate years ago and he went off to the public loo for a sit down.i gave it a couple of minutes and followed him in,there was only 2 cubicles,so i slipped in,wrote a note saying "how big is yours?" and slid it under the partition-silence,after a few mins popped another one under"I'm ready" next thing i know, my doors kicked in,and he's stood there with his fist back.i said"blimey you're keen!" and cracked up.

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